Former dancer/hiker/cycler, rec. from osteoid osteoma - hi

Hi everyone. I've used diet/fitness apps in the past, but never gotten engaged with the community. Well, now I need to set some serious goals and I hear community is the best way... so here I am.

I am a former (and still to be!) dancer, yoga lover, cyclist, hiker, general adventurous swimmer and traveler. Two years ago I started having a terrible pain in my right hip, preventing almost all of these wonderful activities - things like stair-stepping, bike seats, and external rotation made it worse. Two years and a whooole maze of diagnosis later, and I'm about to receive ablation treatment for a benign tumor on the head of my right femur, called osteoid osteoma. It's nasty, but mostly harmless. Much better than when they thought I'd need three screws!

Anyway, two years of minimal activity and my fitness is totally shot. My lung capacity is low, cardio is crap, flexibility is asymmetrical... It's a whole different body than I used to live in. Not to mention I've gained some weight.

So I'm here to start tracking my diet more seriously, and to be able to track my fitness and progress after treatment! I'll be on crutches for two weeks after the treatment, but then it should be ready to rock. As a formerly very active person, I'd welcome any advice on easing back into a fitness routine in a way that sees quick improvement, but minimizes injury. I'm all tight and crunchy and wonky, I definitely don't want to hurt myself.

So that's me! Hi!

(Outside of fitness/diet stuff, I'm a design psychologist/space planner currently living in New York State. I like art and travel and weird sci-fi horror stuff, my cat, my partner, and talking about ideas. And Minecraft. Yup. Have to admit it.)


  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,222 MFP Moderator
    Welcome! When are you having surgery to remove?