Vacation weight loss/gain stories ;)



  • ZhivagosGirl
    ZhivagosGirl Posts: 161 Member
    Went on a 4-5 day vacation the beginning of August, gained 4 lbs. Didn't track while I was gone, ate sensible breakfasts, but generally ate what I wanted for lunch and dinner. Was down just about 60 lbs at the time - came home and lost the 4 lbs within the first week. Took a lot of prompting from this group (board) prior to me going (I even started a thread about it) to not dread the thought of gaining but it all worked out fine in the end.
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    Im realizing my 13 pounds in 2 days was abnormally high hah. I didnt even eat THAT much lol. Im a little vacation piggy i guess x3 yumm
  • Wiggymommy
    Wiggymommy Posts: 106 Member
    Gained 5 pounds on vacation two weeks ago. 5 day trip to the beach and ate whatever I wanted no exercise but ran after 2 toddlers the entire dang time. Lost 3.6 the following week so mostly water gain.
  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    Gained 5lb in july. Had no access to food scales and we either ate out or the in laws cooked..... they are feeders. Its taken me a month to get it off

    By contrast my 12 year old gained a stone ( hospital weigh her regularly, shes not fat but disabled and meds are worked out based on weight )
    Any time i told her no one of the other adults snuck her more food. Ive explained to her why our sometimes foods shouldnt be all the time foods and hopefully the rapid gain will smooth out over time as she continues to grow
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    Mrs and I have a new thing of taking a short vacation to celebrate our anniversary away from home. This year in July she wanted to spend our vacation in the nearby metropolis of Dallas. Four days before the date of the anniversary I hit a low of 165.6. Two days after the anniversary I weighed 169.8, 17 days later I made a new low of 164 and then I quickly gained for a few days until I binged hard a week ago and got up to 175.4 and now I'm at 171. All in all I'd say that's pretty much typical of my months lately, vaca or not.
  • Cbean08
    Cbean08 Posts: 1,092 Member
    I tend to lose weight when I take a trip and I think it's because there are things I would rather be doing than sitting and eating. I usually focus more on what types of activities I have planned than what I am going to eat. But, I'm also a forgetful eater and don't tend to prioritize food.
  • JustRobby1
    JustRobby1 Posts: 674 Member
    I nearly always pack on 5 pounds or so on vacations as I go completely off the grid here at MFP, don't log at all, and pretty much eat whatever I feel like. It's called "vacation" for a reason. This is a needed break for me that I throughly enjoy. It's also good for my sanity :)

    When looked upon in a broader perspective, it's really no big deal. If I am mostly a rockstar 350 days out of a year, the 15 days I am on PTO from work and enjoying myself is negligible at best.
  • northdog
    northdog Posts: 43 Member
    I took a vacation a week ago. It was very active- canoeing, hiking, etc, but I still ate a lot. Probably way more than maintenance most days. Something about being outside makes me hungrier than normal. I was up five pounds a couple days after the trip and I'm still up about five pounds a week later. I feel bigger too. Some might be water, but I thought some of it would have dropped by now. Maybe by next week.
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,572 Member
    I went to Puerto Rico this summer. I hit an aggressive loss two weeks before so I packed it back on pretty quickly. I did not weigh myself because I knew I was going to get my period too and didn't want to see the scale. But I saw it in the mirror and the way my clothes fit. It took a full 3 weeks to get back into my shorts.