2017 New Years Resolution

So... I want to get serious about my health and will be working towards a better healthier version of myself and hoping to stick it out this time. I don't want to let another year pass me by without living it to the fullest. So today Sunday or on Monday is when I'm going to start. It all depends on wether or not we go out to eat to celebrate my sister's and brother in law's post birthday celebration lol


  • Lets_Get_It_21
    Lets_Get_It_21 Posts: 4 Member
    Also, I would like for y'all to join me on this journey as well. For accountability, motivation, and tips or whatever it may be.
  • Imelda275
    Imelda275 Posts: 13 Member
    I was 196 now lm 179..a long ways to go! I'm 70