Birthday blowout?

MissTrina2017 Posts: 75 Member
edited August 2017 in Health and Weight Loss
Hello everyone! So I started this journey 3 weeks ago, and have been really proud of my progress so far. I've been putting good food into my body, have been exercising consistently, and have lost some weight.

My birthday is coming up soon, and I had been planning to have a blow out, I had the meals and desserts that I wanted to eat figured out at the start of joining MFP again. I figured it was important to give myself a break from being so careful with my diet, for just one day.

Now I'm conflicted. I've been really strongly on track and have been enjoying how It's made me feel. Maybe a better "present" for myself would be to keep those feelings up? Maybe I should eat the food I was planning to, and be mindful of how it makes me feel? But I'm also afraid that once I start eating bad again, I won't be able to stop. Any thoughts?


  • Muscleflex79
    Muscleflex79 Posts: 1,917 Member
    It's one day...I'd enjoy it, but not go crazy/blowout!
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    edited August 2017

    1 day. Dont let it turn into birthday week, Or birthday month. If your honest with yourself and dont grab at any and every chance to celebrate, Your birthday vs Your friends pet birthday or something (stupid example but iv seen it happen here)

    1 day never hurt anyone, Even if you ate all day you wouldnt be far behind where you are. Aslong as its not 1 day often. Set strict 1 day rules going in, Knowing thats it.

    But for me I did birthday week, Against most advice. BUT its because i aswell prefer to feel good. I knew eating all the crap all at once would make me feel gross and not be yummy and happy after. So i fit in a yummy delicious meal/snack i dont normally eat often in every few days for the week. Again knowing when i went in that i had made a list of the food i wanted and i had it all, Spread out. I prioritized the yummiest best top 5. That way in my mind i avoided just stuffing myself full of things not worth it to me because i had a time limit :p
  • MissTrina2017
    MissTrina2017 Posts: 75 Member
    Thanks! I think you both make good points :)
  • rmgnow
    rmgnow Posts: 375 Member
    As much as it might pain you -- log all of it.
    It helps you to get back on track after your birthday is over