Hello All

Firstly, I wanted to introduce myself to the community and also to look for others that are just starting or already on their journeys. Also I wanted to see if I could find some friends so that we might be able to support each other on our journeys.

My husband and I just recently joined this site, I was looking for a good way to start holding myself accountable for the decisions I make. I tried tracking my calories in a notebook years ago and it just became too much that is when I first came across this site. So I decided to use it again and even recommended that my husband join as well.

I have had many set backs in the past and fell off track. After recently hearing yet another family member has diabetes, and realizing that I have reached my highest weight again, I have decided now is the time to begin again. I don't want to waste my 30's like I did my 20's. I don't want to sit and watch life pass me by, I want to start living life. I look forward to meeting others that are on their journeys and sharing our success' and support each other when there are set backs.
