Stay at home mom looking for support



  • ana28u
    ana28u Posts: 1 Member
    I am a stay at home mom at the moment. Add me
  • jenhitt
    jenhitt Posts: 107 Member
    I'm a SAHM too, and am experiencing lots of what you guys describe. Add me, let's ward off isolation together! :):)
  • nads_ayoub
    nads_ayoub Posts: 24 Member
    Are there any mums who like to bake/cook etc?

    How do you resist that whiff of banana bread and muffins coming from the oven or the apple crumble that has just finished toasting so perfectly?!! I feel like I'm not going to be able to resist these aromas for long and yet as a sahm I do love having freshly baked stuff on my kitchen counter for hubby to enjoy with his coffee and for the kids to nibble on every now and then.

    Willpower giving way slowly.....
  • csilva09
    csilva09 Posts: 7 Member
    I am also a stay at home mom of 2 toddlers. I started calorie counting about 2 weeks ago and have lost some weight (probably just water). I need motivation and inspiration to start working out. I struggle finding the time and energy to work out. It would be great to have other mommy friends for support.
  • wannabesmaller2017
    wannabesmaller2017 Posts: 433 Member
    I'm a SAHM to 3 kids ages 9, 7 and 1 1/2. Before kids I sort of struggled with my weight but nothing too bad. Gaining and losing the same 15lbs. I'd kill to look like that now!! The first two pregnancies I put on 70 lbs with each and didn't fully lose it in between. Finally I was starting to get in a groove and run and lose weight but then surprise, baby #3 comes along. I'm older now and it's so hard to stick to my calories with junk and treats in the house. I just don't have enough determination to stay away some days. I'd love to get more mommy friends! Thanks!
  • cainrebeccac9164
    cainrebeccac9164 Posts: 2 Member
    edited August 2017
    Im a 32 year old SAHM and have a 12 week old. Im staying home until he is 7 mo and then ill be headed back to school full time to completely change careers. I hope to lose 20 lbs by then!! Im counting calories and its making a huge difference. Thinking about a fitbit too!
  • EsmeMary101
    EsmeMary101 Posts: 154 Member
    nads_ayoub wrote: »
    Are there any mums who like to bake/cook etc?

    How do you resist that whiff of banana bread and muffins coming from the oven or the apple crumble that has just finished toasting so perfectly?!! I feel like I'm not going to be able to resist these aromas for long and yet as a sahm I do love having freshly baked stuff on my kitchen counter for hubby to enjoy with his coffee and for the kids to nibble on every now and then.

    Willpower giving way slowly.....

    I know Exactly what you mean! I'm an avid Baker. Or perhaps I should say was. I find it practically impossible to resist a hot cupcake etc. I've really had to cut back on my baking since starting my weight loss journey. It's sad. I hope once I reach my goal I'll be able to have a little but just keep an eye on going overboard.

    I'll be interested in any tips how to resist whole still baking.