Hello My Fitness Pals!

Yesterday I had a switch go off and decided I had enough. Just over a year ago, I was eating extremely clean and worked on my feet all day, 7 days a week in a pretty physically environment. I had been working on getting back to my regular weight after having weighed my heaviest at 209! I had went from 209 to 154 pounds and I became stuck.

A few months after I started eating 100% clean, I suddenly fell ill. I ended up in the ICU for 11 days on life support and almost a week in recovery. In that 17 day period, I had gone from 154-130. Apparently I was malnourished which was what caused my immune system to be compromised. A simple flu turned into a fight for my life. I obviously had no idea what I was doing with my diet!! Anyways, I lost a TON of muscle and had to retrain my muscles to be able to walk again. I also hadn't been able to eat so when I was finally able to stomach solids again, I just ate like crazy, whatever I wanted and however much I wanted.

A month after I was released from the hospital I found out I was pregnant during my checkup! I shouldn't have been able to physically get pregnant due to the trauma my body had just went through. My doctor couldn't believe it, I couldn't believe it either. I've never had a biological child before. So I find out I'm pregnant when I can still hardly walk and barely even stand for 5 minutes at a time. I couldn't even use stairs without help so I just stayed in my room for literally months. Just hanging out and gaining weight because I was eating like no other.

I had my baby and weighed in at a whopping 235 pounds! So I went from 130 to 235 pounds in less than a year. I became extremely depressed and continued to eat nonstop. I no longer had the excuse that I was pregnant. It was now because I am an emotional eater. I've gotten so low that I'm too embarrassed to be seen in public so I refuse to go for walks and be seen. I know this isn't healthy but that's why I'm now on this app. I need to support so badly just like so many of you.

So I weighed myself a few days ago and I weighed in at 250!! I couldn't believe it, and now I'm heavier than I was full term. I can feel it in my body, I can barely stand or walk for long periods of time. I just hurt and it's worse at night. I want and need to be healthy for myself and for my family.

I'm currently waiting on the Bowflex Max Trainer M7!! My husband finally realized how badly I needed to do this and he finally realized I wasn't going to go to a gym. So I am waiting for that to ship to me but in the meantime, I am trying to work on my diet. I'm interested in doing the 16:8 intermittent fasting. I know I need 1300 calories per day for my current goal. I am having a hard time creating meals that fit that amount of calories and also get the macros I've set for myself. I don't want to become malnourished again just because I don't know what I am doing. Any and all advice, tips, motivation, friend requests are all welcome!!

Current weight 8/21: 244.4 pounds
Height: 5'4
Age: 29


  • Volbeat79
    Volbeat79 Posts: 185 Member
    You are in the right place. There are many helpful and motivational people on this site, myself included. My suggestion would be to hold off on the intermittent fasting and focus on tracking everything you eat for a bit. You can then notice patterns in what you eat and adjust your food and portion sizes. Also, visit the forums where there is a wealth of good advice. You can do this! Friend request is sent.
  • HealthyAshes88888
    HealthyAshes88888 Posts: 1,248 Member
    edited August 2017
    Oh honey my heart hurts for you! You've made the right decision! As long as you stay honest with yourself you CAN do this :) There's a ton of great people and tools on this site and I'd be happy to be a help if you'd like! Sending a friend request now! You've got this! Xoxo
  • kapendell
    kapendell Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks for the suggestion! Hoping I buckle down and take control of this mess. Definitely do believe this will be a great tool :)
  • artbyrachelh
    artbyrachelh Posts: 338 Member
    The beginning is rough but just log in many times during day. My suggestion is to take all other social media apps off your phone except for this. Participate in lots of the forums. Friend lots of people, comment on their posts. Like ashes says above, be honest with your logging. You can't go wrong! The macros are really hard to get for me too. For me especially it's keeping the fat low and the protein high. But everyday is a new day! We can do this together! I just started too, one month ago.
  • HealthyAshes88888
    HealthyAshes88888 Posts: 1,248 Member
    I just started last month too :)
  • ConnieAGinther
    ConnieAGinther Posts: 515 Member
    This is a great place to find lots of information and friendship. Feel free to add me