How often did you fall off track by binging or overeating before you reached your weight loss goal?



  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    Keep making efforts daily despite setbacks. Im here to say that it's enough.

    In a month, I might have binged or drastically overeaten 5 days on average. Every once in a while I'd have a perfect month, but some months it would be 10 days or more. Still lost the 30lbs I wanted to (slowly, but for various reasons, I WANTED to lose slowly). There were enough "good days" in between the "bad days" that I made progress (Christmas season excepted). It's been months since I've endured the physical pain of a true binge, maybe I'm finally developing healthier responses to stress. Or maybe there is just less stress in my life.

    Remember that treating yourself with kindness through it all is going to be more effective than getting angry at yourself.
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    I don't know that I have "binged" although there was a month in there when I could hardly say "no" to chocolate in the evenings... so, I ate over CICO on several occasions. Never a "binge" just not eating at a deficit.

    I got past that... now I keep the calories between the ditches most of the time.

    But even when I was eating more than I should - I never really got off track. I just coasted for a bit, and now I have resumed my downward path.

    72 down another 40-50 to go.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    For me, the problem has been "taking a break" while on vacation, which happens more often in the summer. Once school starts back up (teacher), it's easier for me to stay on track. I went from 193 to 137 (July 2016 - April 2017). I did fine until December when we went away, then a Vegas weekend in March, a week in April, then a handful of trips in June and July. I don't like feeling "deprived" when traveling, but when I am in my regular routine, it does not seem to be as difficult. This is something I have been trying to figure out how to overcome.

    @CaliMomTeach I don't view it as being "deprived" but rather as wanting very badly to stick with my goals. I would rather eat a bit less on vaca than have to lose hard earned pounds all over again. I can no longer eat all the food served for the average restaurant meal, so it's not that hard to practice portion control. I limit myself to one roll/piece of bread, minimize pasta and potatoes, and share dessert whenever possible unless it's chocolate mousse!
  • Pepsab
    Pepsab Posts: 168 Member
    edited August 2017
    Twice so far. Once i knew i had a girls night out and would go over. I chose to have a few drinks and one dessert but i skipped all the other food they were eating. Another time i went over but I just felt like some more food and had steak and added a heap of cheese to my salad.

    I think the goal is to allow yourself to go over on occasion and not feel bad but still keep within reason. Like right now i could really go for some chocolate, cookies and chips but im not going to because that defeats the whole purpose of eating healthy.
  • Wiggymommy
    Wiggymommy Posts: 106 Member
    I wouldn't say binge but I lost a good amount of weight then maintained for a good 8 months before jumping back on to lose the second half. I was tired of dieting and needed a break since I had so much to lose. It was pretty easy to maintain and fun to eat what I wanted again. I think overall it will help me keep it off because my body has already been tested at maintaining weight loss.
  • jaymie_x0
    jaymie_x0 Posts: 265 Member
    Hardly ever because my goals were stronger than my desire for food. I found healthier ways to cope
  • moogie_fit
    moogie_fit Posts: 279 Member
    Lots of times. And especially after the weight loss. My body fought it. Bingeing can be reactive to undereating, underestimating your calorie needs, or restricting certain foods/food groups. I suggest getting some psychological counselling or reading 'brain over binge' to help yourself set realistic goals. If you open your diary, maybe someone can give u some feedback on how to improve your diet to reduce the bingeing
  • Heather4448
    Heather4448 Posts: 908 Member
    I usually go over my calorie allotment twice a week, but I never worry about it because I'm always within my weekly goals. Feels good, man :)
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