Here we go again!

KBurkhardt08 Posts: 141 Member
edited August 2017 in Introduce Yourself
And I'm back!!

A lot of changes in the last couple years:

1. First off, I lost 45 pounds my first time around the weight loss merry go round...which was about 2 years ago.
2. Doing well and then my uncle suddenly died in a helicopter crash (I don't have a dad so he was pretty much as close as it got). No longer cared and gained about 25 pounds of it back.
3. Graduated with a Masters and got a job at Colorado State University. Moved across a few states. (Anyone who's moved knows how stressful that is!)
4. Finally getting my life back together. I'm settled and ready to start again!

I live 3.5 miles from the University so I bought a bike and I've been commuting to work as much as possible. It's usually at least 3 days a week. Hoping to kick it up to everyday soon though :smile: Saving money and hopefully losing some weight....I'm told my legs will look amazing. Fingers crossed! Also got my gym membership and I am committed to going everyday. Especially days that I don't ride to work. Picked back up on counting calories but I wont be as restrictive as I was the first time. Life's to short to miss out on the things you love and I love food and alcohol (in moderation of course).

Also not weighing myself anymore! I stopped about 2 months ago and my mental health is much much better! Going strictly off of how I feel and how my clothes fit.

I have a boyfriend of almost 8 years. We have two dogs and now live in Fort Collins, CO. We're very outdoorsy. He's also hoping to lose weight so I'm trying to make him eat healthier. His idea of losing weight: No more day drinking...

Sorry if that was way too much for everyone to take in but wanted to share! Send me a message or friend request if you want to help keep each other accountable :smile: