Polycystic kidney disease and weightlosss

I have been trying to lose weight for years. As of May this year i have been diagnosed with polycystic kidney disease. Bingo! I have several complex cysts and some answers to a lot of questions. Anyone else have this and any advice on how to lose weight safely?


  • My4happykids
    My4happykids Posts: 124 Member
    I have PKD. I am 2 years post kidney transplant, currently trying to lose 117 lbs, 80 of with is thanks to the prednisone they put me on after the transplant. I'm down 43 so far. My nephrologist is all for my weight loss and diet change. I follow a keto style way of eating.
    I was diagnosed when I was 11 years old. The problem with PKD is the cysts just keep growing/multiplying.
    Do you have cysts on your liver or any other organ? Do you have a family history?
    I've only found one other person on MFP by doing a seach for PKD. Hopefully your post will find more.
    I'm sure you have already found this but https://pkdcure.org/
  • anniemae_harrison
    anniemae_harrison Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you so much for your reply and may your health continue to get better!! Still in the early stages and kidneys still functioning over 80%. Mutiple complex cysts ranging in size from 8mm up to 2 cms. Only on kidneys so far . We are charting the growth at the moment. My blood pressure has been normal until this year. Im struggling with fatigue and tiredness all the time. I need to lose about 30lbs and so far i am the first known case of pkd in my family and my twin has volunteered to give me a kidney in the future. Thanks for adding me as a friend.
  • My4happykids
    My4happykids Posts: 124 Member
    So you don't have dominant, that is very good. Hopefully you stay the only case in your family.
    If you are on BP meds now that could be why you are tired.
    I know you can lose the weight.
    I can't find the article but a few years back there was an article that talked about foods the reduce the formation and growth of cysts in PKD patients the foods I remember (the ones my kids would eat) are peanuts, salmon and grapefruit.