trying to lose twin pregnancy weight +45 lbs - long road ahe

canchola Posts: 2
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
I'm a mom of three - 1 ten year old little girl and 2 week old twin girls. Just before I became pregnant with my twins I had lost almost 100 lbs. Now I have more than that to lose all over again. It's a bit overwhelming just taking care of newborn twins but then to add the weight loss on top I sometimes feel it's impossible. Although I barely have time to eat anymore, when I do it's usually something quick and usually quick doesn't not equal healthy. I'm also still trying to find time between feedings, diapers, and TRYING to rest, to actually do some exercising. I'm hoping that myfitnesspal will greatly improve my chances. -- HERE WE GO!


  • Congrats on the twins! They are such a blessing, I am a mom of twins as well. I know losing the weight is so tough, just keep at it mama! Try to get as much rest as you can, the first few months I remember I was a zombie!
  • With your babies so little, try not to think about the weight loss! There is lots of time for that. Try to get rest. :) I know it can be difficult with 1, and I can't even imagine 2 at the same time! Give yourself time! With drive and time, you will lose it!
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    You can do it!!! i don't have twin infants, but I'm a single mom (2 kids), active duty navy, and I go to school, I know what you mean about TRYING to rest. try putting healthier quick things in the house, edys natural fruit bars are good, and low cal. kellogs fiber plus bars are excellent almost like eating a candy bar (no joke i have to hide them from my 3 year old) as for getting exercise, get a double jogging stroller or just a stroller in general and do some brisk walking or jogging. and of course get rest!!! your body needs that too to loose weight!! We'll all be here to support you!!!
  • Jamiebee24
    Jamiebee24 Posts: 296 Member
    Congrats on the babies!! :) i know they can be a handful---and then throwing in exercise and healthy food---thats pure craziness!! Take your time getting back into things---and once you're on the routine, it'll feel like that's the way things are supposed to be. Especially since your twins are SO young is the perfect time to start your food diary and get accustomed to how much you should be eating and what you should be eating. Then when you're ready, start with the exercising...I do recommend a double jogging stroller---I have one and it is AMAZING :) I use it everyday---lots of walking--some jogging.

    Good luck, and enjoy the babies while they're young!! :)
  • pamwest
    pamwest Posts: 2 Member
    Congrats on your twins!!! I had twin boys 3 years ago and I am still working on loosing that weight....the first 25 quite easy to loose but I have been working on the second 25 for the last 2 years (grant it it's mostly a lack of motivation on my part) hopefully you will have better success!
  • canchola
    canchola Posts: 2
    Thanks so much you guys!! This site and it's members have proven to be incredibly encouraging already. I'm now excited to be on this journey.
  • shaggys
    shaggys Posts: 140 Member
    Congratulations!Two beautiful little girls-you are so lucky!
    If you are nursing,I would not keep track for the first month or so,eat as healthy as possible.Don't worry if you are hungry all the time...your body has to establish supply.If you are not,be careful not to go too low on the calories-your body has just gone through such a big shock ,you will need lots of energy!
    If possible,try getting the babies used to the jogging stroller now,little strolls around the house-so that when it is time to start exercising they will feel safe and comfortable.
    Don't worry about the weight-when it is time,if you focus,exercise,and count everything it WILL come off:
    And sleep when the babies sleep-the best advice I ever got and could ever give.
    Take care of yourself!
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