College Students!

I'm a full time college student at The University of Texas and I'm looking for friends/support from other college students who have to deal with juggling studying/class, work, and conquering their weight! I'm tired of letting myself use the "i don't have time" excuse and need others in the same situation to push me through this and I want to help others in return!



  • Live4theLift
    Live4theLift Posts: 329
    Oklahoma and Texas hmmm haha Im in my last year at Oklahoma State
  • abigailstorm1
    OSU > OU anyday. lol
  • AnnaSmith27
    I'm about to start my first year of college at Virginia Tech and am getting very nervous about balancing everything. Hopefully I won't fall into a pit and end up gaining a lot of weight!
  • abigailstorm1
    Hey Anna! If you go into college focused on weight loss it's very easy to avoid the Freshman 15. I actually did the freshman negative 60! It's great when you have a free gym and are excited about being in a new place. It gets hard around Junior year which was my pitfall when i got my own apartment and started to explore cooking instead of being able to go to the food halls! You will do great going into college! Just remember the library is your friend and the gym is the best date you will have all year (:
  • HacheraTsarine
    HacheraTsarine Posts: 278 Member
    I'm a third year Law student at the Université de Sherbrooke (1h30 from Montréal, Canada) and I'm currently employed as such at the ARQ (that'd be US's IRS). I've gained 20lbs the moment I started studying on campus. The only place I can study are coffee shops and damned those muffins and lattés are tasty! :D

    Working on my eating habits and cooking skills for the next semester, though, so I hope I'll be good enough when I'll be back at school in 3 weeks.

    Feel free to add me to your FL.