New to the gang

I am a newbie to the gang here. I was searching for a free calorie counter and found this website and I am now in love with it. I have always been active and a descent weight, but the past five years have proved me to be wrong. I gained about 30-40 lbs after I got married and finished my BS in nursing. Now I am done with school and ready to get back on track. Both my parents are diabetic and I am trying to hold off as long as possible. Me and my best friend decided to do our own Biggest Loser contest, calling it the chubby-tubby competition. This has really jump started my goal of losing weight and decreasing my risk factors for diabetes and the others that go along with it. I had back surgery 9 months ago and wtih the help of physical therapy. I am hoping to be fit once again. There are still activities I can't do, but I am not going to let that get in the way of my goals.


  • dfwtxmissy
    dfwtxmissy Posts: 102
    You go girl...I have been here for about a month, give or take...I love it...
  • helenturner
    I find this is one of the best ones out there also. They have pretty much all the foods I eat already programmed....a BIG plus for me. Using the app w/ my iphone makes it even all the more easier for me to log. Feel free to send me a friend request if you want. It helps to have the support of others I am finding out :) Good for you for pushing forward to your goals!