Piling on weight

Hi everyone, I'm really worried because I weight myself every couple of days and each time I've put on a pound. I'm actually trying to lose a stone I've put on since last year!
I had a boob job eight weeks ago, couldn't exercise and basically binge watched box sets and ate. I tried to be careful. I didn't totally binge but I let myself have nice food. I couldn't cook much so a lot of it was takeaways with my bf. I did walk as much as I could though as I usually run most days and go to gym 2-3 times a week for classes or strength.
I put on about half a stone, which I knew 3lb of was the implants but I thought it would fall off when I started running again.
However I've been running and adding more walking, covering ten miles a day or so (mainly walking with 2-3 miles running). Plus one or two gym classes a week.
I've also been trying to cut out the junk, drink more water and log on here.
I find that logging on here can be counter product for me as it makes me think about food all the time.
I just don't know what to do. I feel like stopping eating altogether (obviously I won't as I'm sensible) because I feel like anything I eat will cause me to put on weight.


  • MichelleSilverleaf
    MichelleSilverleaf Posts: 2,028 Member
    If you're being super precise with your logging (weighing solids, measuring liquids, double checking database entries) then have a look at what has been giving you high calorie numbers. One thing you could try is to make meals ahead of time, measure everything out and pack it in the fridge so that you don't have to think about it as much. You'll know that this meal is this many calories, that meal is that many, etc. Make sure you're at a deficit. If you've been having a lot of sodium and takeaway can often be high sodium, your body could be holding on to some water. My ankles swell like little balloons when I've had too much salt and it can take a few days to shed the water weight.
  • DeborahKilpatrick
    DeborahKilpatrick Posts: 80 Member
    Thank you.... I think a lot of it could be sodium. I do feel quite bloated. I also started eating sugar again this year after over a year of cutting it, not being mega strict about sugar in bread etc but avoiding obvious sources. I like the idea of preparing food in advance so I don't have to think about it. Last night I roasted two chicken breasts, veg and potatoes in spray oil, so that's tonight's dinner for me and the bf, plus made a tub of quark with fruit and a wee bit of honey so I had breakfast sorted. I hate this feeling of being scared of eating, it's like I've lost control of my weight when I used to do it effortlessly!
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    So 7lbs? 3lbs was the implants. I assume there is probably a bit of water weight swelling happening still? Then there's more food in the gut etc. Water retention from restarting exercise. Sodium in the take away. And depending on where you are in your cycle perhaps a bit of hormonal stuff going on too.

    Long story short. Chill. Don't worry about sugar.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,072 Member
    If you have just re-started your exercise regime, this will most likely have also added to water retention, on top of the sodium filled food and likely the fluid your body has been retaining to help recover from your op.

    Log accurately - weigh your food and check you are using the correct entries, as long as you're in a deficit the weight will come off, you just need to be a little bit more patient.