Too short for my weight.

Good morning! I've been an off and on user of MFP for several years, but never visited the forums until a few weeks ago. Best guess for my weight I would need to be 8 feet tall; since I'm only 5'10" I need to lose approximately 130 more pounds. Right now I'm concentrating on the overall calories, but also am watching carbs as I'm diabetic. Looking forward to meeting people, getting and (maybe) giving support, and being a part of the community.

I currently work in a prison and cannot have any type of fitness tracker, smart watch, cell phone, etc., so most of my daily activity is not tracked, though I do have a Microsoft Band and wear it when on the outside. I try to keep up with steps manually but it's easy to get sidetracked and lose count. As it stands now my apps think I'm dead or dying because of no activity except for a few hours each day.

Great to be here; y'all have a fantastic day.
