Highest weight: 302lbs

Hello everyone,

My name is Amber and I've been on this journey for about 2 months now. My highest weight last year was 302lbs. After weighing myself this morning I am down to 267lbs! I eat healthy and workout. Looking for motivating stories and maybe some fitness friends along the way. I'm open to talk about what workouts I do and what I'm eating. I need to be held accountable and am able to hold others accountabl as well. Good luck everyone!


  • Winner5555555
    Winner5555555 Posts: 43 Member
    Brilliant. Well done. Hope will b able to say same in future.
  • esjaygee
    esjaygee Posts: 148 Member
    Congrats on being down 35 pounds, that's incredible and a great start towards your goal! My highest weight was 297 and that was a few days before I joined MFP back in January of 2012. I haven't lost all the weight I've wanted to yet but I'm slowly getting there and coming here every day really helps me stay focused. I recently started running and found that I enjoy it and it's helped to start taking the pounds off again.

    Best of luck on your mission, feel free to add me.