Losing weight for IVF

Hi, I just suffered a miscarriage and we have decided the next step in our fertility journey is IVF. I need to lose 26 lbs as soon as possible because that's what is between me and the procedure. Please let me know if anyone else is in the same situation. I am 37 and on the East Coast of the USA.


  • Kentishcat2310
    Kentishcat2310 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi, I'm so sorry to hear about your miscarriage, I know what you're going through, I also recently had a miscarriage. I had IVF to have my son 6 years ago, we are planning to have another IVF cycle next year. I'm 36, feel free to add me, I'm in the UK. xxx
  • Sunna_W
    Sunna_W Posts: 744 Member
    edited September 2017
    I am sorry for your loss. One of the things that helped me to lose weight steadily / quickly was going Keto / Paleo. I got my meal ideas from Paleo Leap and Paleo Tribe for the recipe ideas (they have some great low calorie recipe options) but this isn't necessary. I do think preparing and eating food that I make as opposed to boxes or eating out has helped me a lot. Boxes say they are low carb (but they have lots of other additives in them to make them taste good.)

    Because while I know that it's Calories In / Calories Out (CICO), I don't like being hungry / starving because it makes me cranky and I then obsess about all of the food out there that I am now not allowing myself to have.
    • I knew going in that based on CICO, that I burn calories just by being alive.
    • If I eat as many as I burn I would be in stasis (and not lose).
    • If I eat more than I burn I will gain weight.
    • If I eat less than I burn I will lose weight except if I am in an extreme calorie deficit. Then my body goes into preservation mode and my metabolism might slow down and hold onto what I have b/c it thinks I am starving.

    I knew from my own past experience that carbs and sugar are the devil. If I eat one sweet thing, then, I can't stop. I know that if I eat simple carbs (like bagels / white potatoes) my heart will race. If I eat complex carbs (like canned white beans) then I feel okay, but I don't really lose weight. I have restricted sugar and carbs before and knew that by restricting them, I am not craving them and I feel better.
    • I don't crave sugar (I have an entire box of Charms Wild Berry Blow Pops in my file drawer that I haven't touched since November because I don't crave sugar; I once measured my stress level by how many of them I consumed in one day);
    • My moods are more even and I don't have blood sugar spikes and crashes;
    • By consuming more healthy fats my joints don't hurt as much and I am more or less satiated on 1400 calories.

    In your home tab, set you macros to 15% sugar / carbs; 45% protein and 40% healthy fat. Eating healthy fat is key to this working. On this diet, eating peanut butter off a spoon and having some hot tea is a snack.

    I am not a doctor - but, could you be hypothyroid?

    See this website: https://stopthethyroidmadness.com/2012/11/28/hypothyroidism-pregnancy-dangerous/

    There are physicians out there who will treat you (the patient) with desiccated thyroid medications to an amount where the body temperature rises to normal and other symptoms disappear.

    I think that Mary Shomon might have lists on her website:

    Ref: https://www.verywell.com/mary-shomon-thyroid-disease-expert-3231467

    Not having enough adrenal hormones can also mess with the reproductive system. To rebuild your adrenals desiccated adrenal extracts are very helpful. (I was on prednisone, but was able to stop taking it.) If you are hypothyroid, your adrenals are likely blown out and that can cause a lot of issues It is available as an OTC supplement. Perhaps consider seeing a holistic doctor / nutritionist that can help support you and your body who can ferret out the root causes and help you get where you need to be?

    See these websites:



    Last but not least, check out the Weston A Price foundation's website - lots of great information from nutritionists about traditional diets (BTW, they think that your carbs shouldn't go below 100 grams if you are hypothyroid.) You will still lose weight and ketosis is still possible on 100 g carbs. Good luck, and friend me / PM me if you want.

  • ramshackles
    ramshackles Posts: 85 Member
    Good luck. Sending love. Positive thinking works wonders.