Here I am starting over.... Again

I know I can't be the only one who loses weight, gets stuck at a plateau and then just goes back to their old eating habits? I feel so down on myself. Yes, I haven't gained anything but I sure haven't lost anything either. I have stuck with my vegetarian lifestyle change though and that's something I have been doing for 8 months now. I just got back into my routine as of Friday 8/25 and looking for others support and motivation to not get off track again. I am happy I lost 22 pounds but I need to lose another 20 to be at my first goal.


  • raani44
    raani44 Posts: 6 Member
    I am the same, I always reach a point where I give in or make the 'cheat day' excuse and then I eat the leftovers the next day, and well... since I already ate junk I might as well have another cheat day and so on. Now I am back at square 1, with 75lbs to lose and I already don't know where to begin...