Beer calories allotted

Does anyone else fit beer into their daily calorie goal? And not every day. and if so you really can't gain weight if you're within your calorie allowance? Why the beer bellies then


  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    I don't drink beer (or cider) every day, but I do many days, and keep it within my calorie goals, either for the day or the week. The belly came from when I did not do this, and I'm happy to say that it's shrinking.
  • Famof72015
    Famof72015 Posts: 393 Member
    RivenV wrote: »
    I don't have beer every day... but when I do drink (beer/cider/spirits), I just try to fit it into my day like any other thing.

    As for the beer belly... I think a good deal of that comes from folks drinking, compromising their judgment, and deciding to eat when they're not really hungry. Aka "drunken munchies." Go ahead and look at my food diary last night if you'd like an example. Lol.

    I am not sure how to look at people diaries? That's it right there, the food after drinking!!!
  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    edited August 2017
    RivenV wrote: »
    I don't have beer every day... but when I do drink (beer/cider/spirits), I just try to fit it into my day like any other thing.

    As for the beer belly... I think a good deal of that comes from folks drinking, compromising their judgment, and deciding to eat when they're not really hungry. Aka "drunken munchies." Go ahead and look at my food diary last night if you'd like an example. Lol.

    That's some impressive drunk munchies. I offer for comparison last Thursday the 24th. Also, your meal names are excellent. I've got to get more creative.

    RivenV wrote: »
    Famof72015 wrote: »
    RivenV wrote: »
    I don't have beer every day... but when I do drink (beer/cider/spirits), I just try to fit it into my day like any other thing.

    As for the beer belly... I think a good deal of that comes from folks drinking, compromising their judgment, and deciding to eat when they're not really hungry. Aka "drunken munchies." Go ahead and look at my food diary last night if you'd like an example. Lol.

    I am not sure how to look at people diaries? That's it right there, the food after drinking!!!

    Ack. I think you might have to be my "pal" to look at my food diary, but here's the sparknotes version:
    beer... followed by gin and tonics... followed by cereal and pizza. xD Oops.

    Nah, your food diary is public. Just click on the username, then again on the username, then on "view diary."
  • bee_bee8
    bee_bee8 Posts: 96 Member
    I always enter beer into my diary ahead of time when I know I'll be drinking; you'd be surprised how fast those calories add up! Unless you're drinking something like Bud light or Miller lite, pints of beer can be around 200 calories each. Just 2 drinks at the bar adds up to more calories than my lunch most days! I think that's why some people get beer bellies.
  • Polo265
    Polo265 Posts: 287 Member
    edited August 2017
    I have a few beers per day and my belly is probably a beer belly. I drink Michelob Ultra light (95 calories and 2.5 carbs) and log them all. My belly is getting smaller, but it would be a quicker process if I would eliminate most of the beer.
  • Wolfger
    Wolfger Posts: 350 Member
    I don't drink beer every day anymore, but I do try to fit it into my allotment once or twice a week. As I become more active, I can fit more beer in. On days when I'm a desk potato, I don't drink. I do have a "beer weekend" about once a month where I will be partying with friends and drinking many beers, and I just try to keep my food calories low, and I don't bother logging my beers. I weigh in on Monday, take my lumps, and get back with the program. Some things are more important than the number on the scale. But I'm down 70 pounds and 4 pants sizes since I started, so I must be doing something right.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    Beer bellies are just male predisposition to fat gain being made in the midsection. Beer because of old stereotypes of men spending the weekend in the pub downing copious pints. Then there's the drunken munchies. So essentially just all the calories everywhere.

    I don't have daily beer but if I wanted to I would. I certainly fit in the odd night out where several or more adult beverages are consumed. All just within goal.
  • DX2JX2
    DX2JX2 Posts: 1,921 Member
    edited August 2017
    Famof72015 wrote: »
    Does anyone else fit beer into their daily calorie goal? And not every day. and if so you really can't gain weight if you're within your calorie allowance? Why the beer bellies then

    From a person who had a beer belly not all that long ago, I can tell you that beer alone does not make a beer belly. Contrary to popular belief, the beer belly isn't a gigantic lump of pure fat; it actually feels like the manifestation of an expanded stomach (which is how some guys have a 'hard' beer belly and can be lean all over except for their beer belly).

    Guys with beer bellies tend to drink so much liquid volume (beer, traditionally) and/or eat so much volume that the stomach has no choice but to get bigger over time. It kind of feels like what I imagine being pregnant feels like.

    Beer tends to be the main driver of the beer belly though since it's high volume for the alcohol content and relatively high calorie. Most regular beer drinks have no problem downing a six pack, which is more than a half gallon of liquid and almost 1000 calories too boot!
  • DebLaBounty
    DebLaBounty Posts: 1,169 Member
    I log it. I do the same with wine. Since I started paying attention to calories, I drink less because I'd rather chew some food.
  • sheamilligan
    sheamilligan Posts: 3 Member
    Here is a great article that should help! Your liver burns booze instead of fat when you drink.... I love beer but have decided to cut it out of my daily life. Booze also leads to poor food choices. It's calories in, and fat accumulating around the midsection. It's just easier to be healthy on a day to day basis without the beer, but I still enjoy it on the weekends.
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    Here is a great article that should help! Your liver burns booze instead of fat when you drink.... I love beer but have decided to cut it out of my daily life. Booze also leads to poor food choices. It's calories in, and fat accumulating around the midsection. It's just easier to be healthy on a day to day basis without the beer, but I still enjoy it on the weekends.

    Was going fine until I got to the end.

    "The good news is that when you start losing weight, you tend to lose it in the midsection first. "Visceral fat is more metabolically active and can be broken down quicker than other fat," Jensen says, "so it is usually the first to go, especially when you have a lot to lose.""

    Male bovine excrement! Last place I'm losing inches is my waist.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Famof72015 wrote: »
    Does anyone else fit beer into their daily calorie goal? And not every day. and if so you really can't gain weight if you're within your calorie allowance? Why the beer bellies then

    Why beer bellies? Because people have exceeded maintenance calories for an extended period of time.

    I drink beer belly...because I don't consume a surplus of calories to would cause me to get fat.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    yes, and every other alcohol out there. YUM!
  • cargotrailer
    cargotrailer Posts: 62 Member
    I always "try" to count my beer calories, sometimes successfully, sometimes not so much. But I'm not giving up my beer!
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    Beer has been a consistent part of my diet when I was overweight and when I was at my athletic peak.

    This is simply a matter of eating more than your activity allows. Where your body stores fat is simply genetics and has nothing to do with what you eat.
  • sheamilligan
    sheamilligan Posts: 3 Member
    Here is a great article that should help! Your liver burns booze instead of fat when you drink.... I love beer but have decided to cut it out of my daily life. Booze also leads to poor food choices. It's calories in, and fat accumulating around the midsection. It's just easier to be healthy on a day to day basis without the beer, but I still enjoy it on the weekends.

    Was going fine until I got to the end.

    "The good news is that when you start losing weight, you tend to lose it in the midsection first. "Visceral fat is more metabolically active and can be broken down quicker than other fat," Jensen says, "so it is usually the first to go, especially when you have a lot to lose.""

    Male bovine excrement! Last place I'm losing inches is my waist.

    That's just genetics! That's why when I gain weight it goes to my thighs and not to my boobs. :)