Bex is Back

Hey y'all.

My name is Bex and I am 30 and in the PNW. I have been a part of MFP for awhile and lost about 13 lbs on it...then life happened and I got a stress injury...and some med changes and now I am at a weight that I haven't seen since I was pregnant.

That needs to change.

I would love some encouragement and I always like new friends. I am vegetarian, usually eat pretty clean (working on cutting that nonsense sugar snack habit...) and I hate what is considered "diet food." I like real food, and generally practice portion control when I am in a "get healthier" mode.

My goal is to be healthier, happier... and back in my slinky black dress by the time I turn 31.

20lbs. 95 days. One sassy dress. It's possible!
