Long Term Commitment

Hello MyFitnessPal Community! So I've been a member for over a year but have failed to commit long term to losing weight. I know that tracking every bite makes me more accountable, I know that seeing my food laid out each day encourages more healthy eating. I know that exercising makes me feel good, and helps me look good and shed pounds. I know that calories in vs. calories out generally leads to weight loss. I seem to understand the main concepts, yet I can't commit to the process long term. And this is the problem.

Over the past year, I'd get super motivated for 2-3 weeks, lose a few lbs, start to feel good and then talk myself out of being on a "diet". But after 4-5 of these false starts, I've now gained about 15 lbs over the past year. I haven't been happy with my weight for a long time and I really want to get back to my pre-babies weight. I have 30 lbs to go, and need all the support I can get.

I am ready to commit to exercise as a daily habit, to choosing foods that are 100% healthy, every time, and to understand how these choices are positively impacting my health. I want to be a vibrant, healthy person! I know I can do this! Especially with a little help from some of the amazing MFP Community. Who's with me?!


  • CatastrophicPuns
    CatastrophicPuns Posts: 4 Member
    edited August 2017
    Hey Courtney, I'm glad to see that you are in it for the long haul! I used to be in great shape, but moving to a new town and getting a new, very stressful and very sedentary job really set me back - to the tune of 30lbs heavier in just 9 months. Now it has been two years and I am 60 lbs heavier. I was really down on myself for a long time. I missed my old body and old energy levels, but I was so defeated that it was a struggle for me to be consistent. Last month, I finally had a breakthrough moment and I'm ready to commit!! I'm just starting out again too so I would love some mutual support as well! Anyone who is willing to give me a boost, please add me as a friend!