"Us" and "Them"



    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
  • sjebert
    sjebert Posts: 212 Member
    nope kept totally separate, otherwise the wife gets insanely jealous
  • CaloricCountess
    CaloricCountess Posts: 202 Member
    When I was a regular here, people offline casually knew; about me being here but that was it because anything said upon my news feed, via messages & my private group, was private & thus I kept it that way because I am respectful of other's privacy, as for anything within the forums; I just mentioned that there were public forums & so that was an invitation for them, to join themselves; if they had any interest to know more!
  • need2belean
    need2belean Posts: 356 Member
    beingmore1 wrote: »
    Do you tell "them" about "us"? Them being your in real life family and friends and Us being your mfp family and friends. Do you talk about us to them? Are you living two separate lives? Do they ever overlap? Or are we, your mfp friends and family, a secret? Go ahead, es-plane.....(and yes it's a funny way of saying explain)

    I am facebook friends with some of my MFP friends and I even have some of their phone numbers because I've gotten that close with some. Others I keep at a fair distance. But I do talk about my MFP friends to my husband and such. This life is a part of me. There's no shame in that.
  • Presleykay22
    Presleykay22 Posts: 2,446 Member
    No no one really knows about my mfp world that's mostly it kept secret place just me and my community.
  • KaroshiQueen
    KaroshiQueen Posts: 213 Member
    I generally refer to MFP'ers and my Twitter Fam as my "online friends". Nowadays, I tend to prefer my online friends over the real life ones, because we don't have as much in common anymore.
  • benstronger
    benstronger Posts: 381 Member
    beingmore1 wrote: »
    Do you tell "them" about "us"? Them being your in real life family and friends and Us being your mfp family and friends. Do you talk about us to them? Are you living two separate lives? Do they ever overlap? Or are we, your mfp friends and family, a secret? Go ahead, es-plane.....(and yes it's a funny way of saying explain)

    Wow, this question is DEEP and good job on the phrasing! :joy:

    My close friends know I'm on MFP being the meticulous, attention to detail, scale-hoarding person that I am today. My family doesn't know about this app, they just think I'm a gym rat.

    I don't live two separate lives. I treat everyone on here just like how I treat everyone in real life - be nice to me, I be nice to you.
  • SomebodyWakeUpHIcks
    SomebodyWakeUpHIcks Posts: 3,836 Member
    I am an open book. I don't hide anything.
  • SomebodyWakeUpHIcks
    SomebodyWakeUpHIcks Posts: 3,836 Member
    I've spoken to people about being on mfp and going into the forums but I've really only shared details with one of my coworkers and also my husband - he knows all about it.

    But does he know that I want to dry hump your leg?
  • Just_Mel_
    Just_Mel_ Posts: 3,992 Member
    I am an open book. I don't hide anything.

  • LiftingRiot
    LiftingRiot Posts: 6,946 Member
    I wasnt aware there was an us
  • Tencwhiskey
    Tencwhiskey Posts: 36 Member
    No way, no need for that nonsense
  • caco_ethes
    caco_ethes Posts: 11,962 Member
    I have read threads out loud to my family and extended family while howling laughing and wiping away tears. And then when they ask me "so what site is this from?" I mumble something about Pinterest or some other site that I know they'll never be interested in. Because I'm okay sharing about you with them as long as I don't have to share you with them.
  • caco_ethes
    caco_ethes Posts: 11,962 Member
    Oh, and the vast majority of my real life friends used to be online friends from a different forum long ago. And since they're all dicks who are jonesing for a forum to troll, I can't tell them about you.

    So separate worlds it is.
  • Vikka_V
    Vikka_V Posts: 9,563 Member
    beingmore1 wrote: »
    Do you tell "them" about "us"? Them being your in real life family and friends and Us being your mfp family and friends. Do you talk about us to them? Are you living two separate lives? Do they ever overlap? Or are we, your mfp friends and family, a secret? Go ahead, es-plane.....(and yes it's a funny way of saying explain)

    It's all real life. Just different aspects or parts of it.

    I don't often talk about people. I don't hide people I know from other people I know, I just keep most of my friendships on a one on one basis. In person and online.

    I live a separate life from almost everyone I know...most of my friends and family don't know much about me, I'm very private.