Hello! I need to lose the last 24lb! Joined for accountability.

AshleyAppleJuice Posts: 8 Member
edited August 2017 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone, my name is Ashley.
In high school, I reached my highest weight at 5'8 265lb due to bullying.
In senior year, I finally started to lose weight not for myself, but to be treated better.
I have lost 116 pounds so far. It morphed into something better.
I realized I have done this for myself.
I am healthier, happier, and I do not suffer from agoraphobia any longer.
I have been slipping. Well.. Yo-yo-ing back and forth for a long time now.
This is the time to be accountable and meet my goal to lose the last 24 pounds.
And also spend time with you lovely people in these forums. I hope to make friends here. :)
