why being pre menopausal has helped me to carry on where i normally give up

I know I'm one of many people who over the years have dieted lost a couple of stone got to a nicer shape and fell off the wagon... so what's changed

well at 49 I started again after a year of having a frozen shoulder which was a nightmare lots of pain and lots of feeling low I found myself quite disgusted with what I had done to myself. I was a size 20 (top half probably knocking 22) and then I got gastritis after Christmas and that was it, I decided I needed to change the way I eat and get back to exercising.

The downside of being 49 and having an underactive thyroid is that for the first time the weight didn't just drop off, at 17 stone 5 I expected to still be able to lose 2-3lbs a week (as I had done previously) ... didn't happen, for the first 4 months I lost 1.5lb a week and it didn't matter how much cardio, strength great eating I did. So I resigned myself to this was a healthy weight loss (but still slightly irritated the days of 3lb + had gone), so I have so far managed to lose 3 stone 4 lbs but it has taken me 12 weeks to lose the last stone as yet again my body decided sometimes no weight loss for 3 weeks at a time but during this time my periods have become how shall we say all over the place... so now I have menopause to deal with too....

So what has kept me going... and actually motivated me is that I've also lost weight in a different way than ever before, I used to be "a pear" and now I'm and apple... and although horrified that I cant shift the second tummy.... I'm bloody well going to beat it...

So some days can still be tough but this is the longest I've ever managed to go on this journey and the fact it's been harder than ever before has magically spurred me on... who would have though it....

I'm sure other ladies have faced this change in shape and hormones it's just made me laugh to myself that it took this to help me find a healthier way to live and to lose weight :)

just thought I'd share



  • skymningen
    skymningen Posts: 532 Member
    edited August 2017
    I am sure not only the ladies experience a general change of shape... I remember giving my dad a card for his 45th birthday which had two roosters on it. One was supposedly young, and a fancy rooster with a large swollen breast and slim waist, very upright and shiny. The second one was older, with a pot belly and no breast to speak of and generally more sloppy looking, but somewhat content. And he was saying to the young one "You know, in the middle of my 40s my breast just slid into my belly."