The weekend always lets me down. Need help!



  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    Plan what you are going to do on the weekend. Plan your food, plan your activity.
    Eat a lighter breakfast or lunch if you know you are going out for dinner.
    If you generally eat out or drink then figure out the calories you can afford to use and what fits in advance. Look up nutritional information if the place has it or find something similar.
    If you want to lose weight maybe you want to cut alcohol out or stop at one alcoholic drink and then have a diet soda, water, coffee or unsweetened tea. It is possible to be social without drinking alcohol.

    Exercise a little more. You don't have a lot to lose so increasing activity a bit and decreasing intake a bit should be enough. You shouldn't have to eat 1,000 calories.

    Change what you do on weekends. Do something active while being social. Invite friends for a bike ride, hike or dancing. Invite people over to your house instead of going out. Make new friends who like to do different activities.
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    You seem to have very little weight you need/want to lose so if I were you I'd put my stats in MFP with the 0.5/wk weight loss and see how many calories it gives you each day. Eat that number, or slightly below and then make sure on the weekends to workout extra so you can enjoy the drinks/extra food at social events without it affecting your weight. Or just be me, have kids and be forced to stay home most weekends. :D
  • MrsGist
    MrsGist Posts: 3 Member
    I am also a weekend warrior. I am clean as a whistle during the week, but come weekends, watch out! I love my dates with my hubby, brunches, cocktails, etc. I've started using alternate day fasting (JUDDD, EODD) as a way to balance the scales (pun intended). I have more weight to lose than you, so I fast (500-600cals) every other day, and eat a little more than maintenance on my "up days". I am not super strict with this, especially if on vacation, have friends in town, a birthday, etc.. But I am consistently losing--not quickly, but I'm happy with it! Plus it gives me so much more wiggle room for special occasions, and I'm not binging... just eating what I'm supposed to!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    l3mmmy wrote: »
    Hey guys,

    I'm not at all overweight, but my weight is slowly creeping up (I gained 6lb last year and about the same the year before) and I am desperate to lose at least 6lbs and then manage to maintain it.

    The trouble is I just CANNOT diet at the weekend, I find it so difficult and every weekend without fail it goes straight out the window. Is it just me or does every fun social activity include alcohol or food? :neutral:

    How can I get motivated and stick to my diet at the weekends without completely depriving myself?

    To put it into perspective I don't binge all weekend, far from it. But I will have a few glasses of wine and most likely either go out for dinner or order a takeaway (one or the other). That's it! Surely it's not enough to ruin my whole week?

    When I was cutting weight, I typically just ate maintenance on weekends or at least on Saturday and dieted during the week. I've also always made sure that my weekends are active...that's when I have time to take a longer ride on the bike, hit the climbing gym, hit the weight room, etc...and then in the evening I enjoy my social time...

    I lost 40 Lbs pretty easily over the course of about 9 months doing this...