I am trying to reach my goal weight but i think i plateaued. MFP has me at 1870 calories a day to eat, however i burn 1000 calories between the cardio machines a hit for a good amount of time at the gym. Do i eat the whole 1000 calories back? Please help. I want to reach my goal. Thank you.


  • rmgnow
    rmgnow Posts: 375 Member
    What's your height and weight?
    And how much do you lose at 1870 per day?
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,072 Member
    Be conservative eating back any calories burned that have been calculated by MFP. Start with 50% review your weight loss rate after 4 weeks and if it's more than expected eat more, if it's less than expected eat less.

    PLATEAU = no weight loss for 6 weeks or more and can normally be figured out by referring to the belowdx12fxaw40u9.jpg