Does anyone go by the number on the scales

Hi guys

I'm 5ft 1 and 136lbs I am trying to lose 14-18lbs. I work out most weeks only twice a week boxing for 30 mins and weight training for 30 mins but I haven't lost a single pound in months I feel my clothes fitting a little better it important to go by the scales?


  • jolenegrew
    jolenegrew Posts: 6 Member
    By the way I try to keep my calories between 1200-1400 a day
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    The scale is only one way to measure progress. How your clothes fit, how you feel, and your blood work all are important as well. If you aren't losing scale weight it is very possible that your food logging isn't accurate. If you don't use a food scale to weigh everything you could be underestimating your calorie intake.
  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,108 Member
    I use the scale as one tool but also track inches. I do weight training and boxing Mon/Wed/Fri for an hour each and 2-3 days of light cardio in between. I haven't lost a huge amount of weight since I started this program but I am losing inches
  • Sashslay
    Sashslay Posts: 136 Member
    I go by my scale to check weight and my clothes to check size