Healthy Sleep Challenge - Who is with me?



  • brittdee88
    brittdee88 Posts: 1,873 Member
    @corinasue1143 I have read that avoiding blue light right before bed helps you get into REM quicker.

    Very tired this morning, but I think it's because yesterday was pretty stressful:
    7:40 total
    1:00 awake
    1:52 REM
    5:07 light
    0:41 deep
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,467 Member
    brittdee88 wrote: »
    @corinasue1143 I have read that avoiding blue light right before bed helps you get into REM quicker.

    Good! Cause that's what we're working on, right? Turning everything off before bedtime. Well get this!

    I ended up with about 15 minutes sleep last night. It's not even 9 pm and I cannot keep my eyes open. I will stay up as late as I can to keep my bedtime close to the same time every night.

  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,467 Member
    10:30-6:30. Nice! That's 3 out of 4. Well on my way to 21.
  • serser28
    serser28 Posts: 161 Member
    edited September 2017
    @corinasue1143 - go girl! You are definitely on your way to making it a habit :) 8 hours sleep is brilliant.

    @brittdee88 7hrs 40mins was good - how did you get on last night?

    @DresdenSinn - where are you? You are missed! Hope it's because you are busy and getting lots of sleep that you haven't been on to post. I look forward to seeing your sleep pattern every day as it motivates me to one day get into a similar sleep routine.
  • serser28
    serser28 Posts: 161 Member
    Well I slept for 6hrs 12 mins (51 mins deep sleep). I am happy for over 6 hours. Still not getting it in one sleep - slept for 4hrs 33mins then hours later slept for 1hr 39mim. I will get there eventually!
  • DresdenSinn
    DresdenSinn Posts: 665 Member
    I had to be at work an hour earlier this morning so I went to bed earlier and got nearly 7.5 hours of quality uninterrupted sleep:

  • brittdee88
    brittdee88 Posts: 1,873 Member
    Sleep was okay last night, though I woke up 16 times! I have just started paying attention to the times I am awake, and that number is ridiculous. I hate being such a light sleeper!

    6:48 total
    0:42 awake
    1:50 REM
    3:51 light
    1:07 deep
  • DresdenSinn
    DresdenSinn Posts: 665 Member
    I'll take 7hrs even with a little restlessness:

  • serser28
    serser28 Posts: 161 Member
    @brittdee88 I feel your pain - being a light sleeper can be so frustrating as the slightest thing disturbs our sleep which also results in not having much deep sleep. I am going to try to make myself exhausted before I go to bed to see if that helps me get a deeper sleep.
  • serser28
    serser28 Posts: 161 Member
    @DresdenSinn - over 7 hours sleep two nights running that's brilliant. Plus you are getting a nice balance of deep and light sleep. I dream of having this type of sleep - oh one day!!!! I have faith that it will happen I just need to keep working on it.
  • serser28
    serser28 Posts: 161 Member
    Only 3hrs 32 mins sleep - not good at all.

  • brittdee88
    brittdee88 Posts: 1,873 Member
    edited September 2017
    Yikes! Not good, @serser28 :( I hope tonight is better.
    I have no idea how I slept last night because my FitBit band broke. My new one is supposed to come on Saturday.
    I think I slept okay. I wasn't too tired. I'm exhausted now, though, so I can't wait until I get out of class at 8. I will probably be heading to bed early tonight.
  • DresdenSinn
    DresdenSinn Posts: 665 Member
    Well I didn't mean to sleep that long, I lied down to take a quick nap just before 7pm and 9hrs later...well I was up at 2 am for about 10 minutes to use the bathroom and get a drink but I went back to bed for 2 more hours:

  • DEBOO7
    DEBOO7 Posts: 245 Member
    My sleep is dismal... this is a representation of what it's like.. week after week after week.
  • serser28
    serser28 Posts: 161 Member
    @DresdenSinn wow over 9 hours - you are steadily becoming my hero! That's brilliant. Your body obviously needed the extra hours. I am starting to wonder if maybe I am not doing the right types of exercise to tire me out. I may need to consider changing it up a bit. Can I ask what time of the day do you do all your exercise? Also did you sleep that well when you never exercised or have your always exercised? I love that you get so many hours of deep sleep too!
  • serser28
    serser28 Posts: 161 Member
    @brittdee88 hope you managed to get an early night and had a good sleep. Will be interesting to see if you felt like you slept well without having your Fitbit tracking your sleep.
  • serser28
    serser28 Posts: 161 Member
    4hrs 52mins sleep for me 49 mins of which was deep sleep. An improvement from the day before but still not good enough. I have challenged myself to sleep for a minimum of 6 hours without fail for the next 10 days. Would be great to have that in one go but I know I need to be realistic so I will aim to do that with additional naps to make sure I get at least 6hrs in a 24 hr period.

  • serser28
    serser28 Posts: 161 Member
    @DEBOO7 we feel you on that! Hang in there and don't give up. We have found that although we have bad nights when we only get a few hours sleep, when we focus and make the effort to do all we can we can get a good 6+ hours we succeed. Do you know your reasons for not sleeping much? Distractions? Not tired?
  • brittdee88
    brittdee88 Posts: 1,873 Member
    @serser28 it really helps me to use an eye mask. It blocks out all of the light and it forces you to be still with your eyes closed. I still struggle obviously, but it has made a huge difference. I put it on and refuse to take it off to force myself to do nothing but lie there with my eyes closed (unless I have to use the bathroom). It doesn't really quiet my racing mind, but I usually fall asleep in less than an hour while it could take me upwards of 3 if I allow myself to open my eyes/move around from time to time in response to a thought I have while lying down trying to sleep.
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,467 Member
    11:30-4:00, catnaps 6-8 am. Woke rested and refreshed.
    I don't wake up to go to the bathroom or hungry, but of course I do go the bathroom when I wake up. I also sometimes eat cheese, cottage cheese or yogurt, and either fall asleep again or catnap. If I don't eat, I don't go back to sleep. I try to eat a snack just before bedtime, but what else would you all suggest?
    Way to go Dresden! You are AWESOME!
    Britt, some people say allow yourself a set amount of time to worry about something, then you can't think about it anymore. Like before you go to bed, tell yourself I will let my mind race for 15 minutes, then I will relax. Never worked for me, I guess I'm not that self- disciplined, but if it works for others, it might be worth a try.
    Serser, wish I had some wisdom, but I can't think of anything. Wish I could. Like you said, we feel you.