Binge Eating



  • HM2206
    HM2206 Posts: 174 Member
    Even if one doesn't qualify for BED, I think most people have had issues with binging at some point.

    For me, number one is to not keep bad foods in the house. In general, I have very little food in the home. Only exception is the freezer, and it takes too long to defrost anyway.
    I have a bit of dry goods, but generally don't tend to binge on chia seeds, dry quinoa or beans.

    Recently I have been staying with my sister and she is an impulsive grocery shopper, bringing unhealthy foods home every day. I've had to really focus to not overeat.

    The "HALT" thing is good, and highlights some things I already do.
    - I don't get too hungry. When I'm cooking dinner, I¨'m having a carrot, an apple or a cup of tea to settle my stomach in the meantime. I even sometimes have a small protein bar before I go out to dinner.
    - I'm rarely an Angry eater, but I can be a Lonely eater. I make an effort to recognize it, and change my focus. If I'm angry, a run helps a lot. I try to channel negative energy into something like that. "X is trying to bring me down, but I will be stronger and healthier and prove everybody wrong". Something along those lines. I'm generally good at steering myself away from food when I am upset, because bad foods is generally the last thing you need when life is hard.
    - Get sleep. Early rise and early to bed helps a LOT.