Looking to join a Facebook group

Looking to join a motivational fb group of women who are supporting each other in their weight loss journeys. I'm part of one group now but don't feel like there is much support and don't feel like a part of the group. I practice the 80/20 rule but have been struggling recently. I'm committed to losing weight in a healthy way and don't believe in deprivation or crash diets or thinspiration. Also when I'm not struggling I workout often and lift/do kettlebells so would like a likeminded group.


  • bhurley100
    bhurley100 Posts: 201 Member
    You can brows groups on fb and discover popular fitness and health groups. Or search diet and fitness, and click "group" and brows the groups that are similar to your taste. .
  • bhurley100
    bhurley100 Posts: 201 Member
    I did that for me and found the 21 dfx for women group. Just a thought. . Good luck!!
  • kathleenford04
    kathleenford04 Posts: 128 Member
    I've also been looking for a Facebook group! I'm also trying g to avoid quick fixes and intense dieting philosophies. Looking to make permanent, realistic change. Maybe we can start a group if one doesn't already exist?