Bipolar Meds make you gain weight?

I take meds because of my condition. I previously lost 3 stone (2 years ago) but gained it back. Since then, I have been diagnosed as Bipolar and I'm on medication that can apparently make you gain weight.

My question is, is there anyone else out there in the same boat? What are your experiences? If the meds do affect you then how quickly did you lose the lbs? I have been on meds for a while now but have just started back on MFP and was wondering if this is going to make a big difference since the last time I lost.

I hope this makes sense!

Thanks :)


  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    The meds didn't make me gain weight, I made me gain weight. The meds made me kind of sleepy and without manic episodes where I didn't really eat much of days it was really easy to put weight on. It have nothing to do with the chemicals of the drugs, just the effect on my eating habits.

    Once I had gained 20 lbs and freaked out about it I starting taking a good look at how I gained it and figured out how to get it back off. That was eating less and doing more!
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I'm sure that this is not the advice that you are looking for but here goes....

    You can cure Bipolar with diet. I did. Plus binge eating disorder, severe anxiety, and a long list of very serious phsyical illnesses. Malnutrition, which can occur even when one is eating too much, has many effects on our body. The brain is especially impacted by poor nutrition and inadequate healthy dietary fat.

    (Yes, I have been on a bunch of meds and suffered many effects from them. I also just "toughed" it out for years and years and don't know how I survived.)

    Oh, the weight loss issue (but I'm not on meds)-please see my ticker below. Lost the weight, and still losing, without craving or struggling with hunger. If you are curious about what I am up to feel free to read my profile and food diary.
  • twentytwentythree
    twentytwentythree Posts: 22 Member
    Yes, I think that the meds contribute to weight gain due to the increase in appetite and lethargy which makes you lazy and hungry all the time. However, I also believe that some of the meds can contribute to a lot of water retention, and there are some meds that can have an adverse effect on your thyroid and metabolism over the long term. There are a few options for weight neutral medications but you should discuss it with your doctor, nonetheless. I gained a ridiculous amount of weight after being put on a bunch of meds including anti-depressants, anti-psychotics, and mood stabilizers. Once I became a little more informed, I did my own research, discussed my concerns with my doctor, and tried out a few weight neutral options, and adjusted the dosages where I could take the least amount possible but still stabilize my moods. I eventually lost about 130 lbs.

    I think it's definitely possible to maintain your weight or even lose weight while taking meds, just explore your options and learn about the medications you're taking. Good Luck!
  • wendygjc
    wendygjc Posts: 45 Member
    I took medication for Bi-Polar that did make me super hungry and I did gain weight, I talked to my doctor and he changed my meds and they work fine, and I am losing weight and not so hungry I could eat
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    I was going to mention that I am also off meds now with some strategic planning and self imposed restrictions but I don't want to encourage anyone to go off meds unless they are sure that they won't be making the situation worse. Weight gain or loss is not a good reason to ditch medication.
  • Roxanne_Hennessy
    Roxanne_Hennessy Posts: 130 Member
    I was on Seroquel and I gained weight, it also messed with my blood sugar level, so I was hypo glycemic for a while
  • Xoe4
    Xoe4 Posts: 38 Member
    I'm not bipolar, but I have a family history so I can't take anti-depressants so I take Lamotrigine which is commonly used for treating bipolar disorders. I didn't find any weight gain, in fact the opposite. Since my mood was stabilized I could control my eating.
  • nichi123
    nichi123 Posts: 244
    Thanks everyone, this helps a lot :)
  • madworld1
    madworld1 Posts: 524
    I workout and watch what I eat. I don't gain weight when I eat healthier and workout consistently. Some of those meds can cause metabolism changes & I suggest you talk to your pdoc about that. My pdoc weighs me at each appt. so she can keep an eye on it.
  • marx4
    marx4 Posts: 236 Member
    Weight gain/water retention is a major side effect with these types of meds. There is NO cure for bipolar disease, it's related to chemical imbalances in the going off the meds, especially without tapering the dosages can have serious consequences. I don't advise it, speak with your MD/therapist and see if there are other meds that you can be put on, explain your concerns. Sometimes exercise can boost one's self esteem, so maybe starting to do some planned events can help you lose some of the weight. Good luck with your health and on MFP!!
  • anaconda469
    anaconda469 Posts: 3,463 Member
    I take Lamictal (Lamotrigine) for my Bi-Polar II condition. I have not gained any weight on this drug, as a matter of fact I lost some weight. But I regained 12 lbs belly fat through my own fault, eating big yummy Jumbo Drumsticks and McDonald's Oreo McFlurrys. My Shrink who controls my meds told me I have an incurable disease due to a chemical imbalance in the brain, he also told me I was born this way, but I can live a good life on a stable medication and vitamin regimen plus exercise to help with my self esteem. I attempted suicide and damn near succeeded, and that can't be fixed by diet. I was miss diagnosed for 15 years with simple depression and I went the entire cycle of anti depressants 5 different times. After 6 months they would stop working so my doctors (internist) would change it up to another one. After the 5th go around, I was referred to a shrink, who saw it for what it was and once on Lamotrigine and tweaking the dosage to where I am now my bi-polar is under control. I do have a motivation problems though, but I make myself go out of the house, exercise, and do things to keep me active. Exercise and activity is good for this. ,Just keep you chin up, things will get better.
  • keelerangela
    keelerangela Posts: 88 Member
    I am gonna start out by saying I am a nurse>> I am also a member of a family where there are quite a few bi-polar individuals. YOU CAN NOT CURE BIOLOAR WITH DIET!!! YOU CAN'T Bi-polar is a condition of a chemical imbalance. No amount of this food vs that food will fix that chemical imbalance. Meds are essential.. without them you WILL CYCLE! A side effect of depakote is weight gain just an fyi.

    If you go off the meds you will 100% cycle.. guarenteed! There is no cure for bi-polor but it can be managed by taking your meds.

    While I am no expert in the medical field, I do considered myself an expert in bi0polar. I have taken many many seminars on it because my mother is bi-polar and I'd like to understand the disease as much as I can

    Also the lady who said that these types of drugs make you retain water is absolutely 100% correct. I think that the reason most people gain weight on these meds is because they stabilize your mood and lift the depression. When you are depressed you tend not to eat. And when you are manic most people tend not to eat so when your mood is stabilized, its only natural that you are going to eat more. I pray every single day that I am not bi-polar. IT is an awful, awful disease and the family of the person is affected so very much.
  • ChapinaGrande
    ChapinaGrande Posts: 289 Member
    I'm not bipolar, but I have a family history so I can't take anti-depressants so I take Lamotrigine which is commonly used for treating bipolar disorders. I didn't find any weight gain, in fact the opposite. Since my mood was stabilized I could control my eating.

    I'm with this person. I don't have bipolar disorder, but I take lamotrigine/lamictal for a seizure disorder. It has made my appetite go totally away and I've lost weight just from not wanting to eat. Food?! GAG! I have to choke down whatever nutrition I can get. On the other hand, this also means that I have no energy whatsoever, so I am pretty lethargic. I realize my weight loss has been unhealthy, but my doc says this side-effect will even out in a few months and seems unconcerned.

    Edited for clarity.
  • ezziepug
    ezziepug Posts: 57
    I'm sure that this is not the advice that you are looking for but here goes....

    You can cure Bipolar with diet. I did. Plus binge eating disorder, severe anxiety, and a long list of very serious phsyical illnesses. Malnutrition, which can occur even when one is eating too much, has many effects on our body. The brain is especially impacted by poor nutrition and inadequate healthy dietary fat.

    (Yes, I have been on a bunch of meds and suffered many effects from them. I also just "toughed" it out for years and years and don't know how I survived.)

    Oh, the weight loss issue (but I'm not on meds)-please see my ticker below. Lost the weight, and still losing, without craving or struggling with hunger. If you are curious about what I am up to feel free to read my profile and food diary.

    Please qualify your statement -- it worked for YOU. I have been bipolar since I was a teenager, and I would be dead without my medications. One size does NOT fit all.
  • nichi123
    nichi123 Posts: 244
    I have been on 1600mg of Lithium (Priadel) for well over a year now. It suits me just fine with no side effects. I never noticed if the weight gain was due to the medication or me bingeing again. I saw my pdoc today as I have started to cycle again. He wants to add a medication. Another mood stabilser or something like Quetiapine (which I took before and made me worse). He is sending me info on both so I can decide for myself. I just needed to hear that although some meds may make you hungrier it can be managed by healthy eating and exercise - which is what I am doing! Thanks a lot! :)
  • ezziepug
    ezziepug Posts: 57
    Certain medications have made me gain weight -- Seroquel and Paxil made me huge, augh -- but I was still able to lose weight (modestly) through diet and exercise. Some meds made/make me too tired to exercise, so I just do gentle stuff when I'm fatigued.

    I'm on five medications, and most of them do not make me gain weight. Frankly, I told my doctors that since I had a history of eating disorders, that if they put me on something that would put on the pounds, I was guaranteed to go off it. They've been really respectful of that, and since there are a nice variety of meds out there, you could always mention your concern to your doctor if something is making you uncomfortable.

    I'm slowly losing weight, and so far, my meds don't seem to affect things. I honor my brain as much as my body :)
  • theoriginaljayne
    theoriginaljayne Posts: 562 Member
    You can cure Bipolar with diet

    ... No.

    Changes in diet (and exercise) may help alleviate symptoms and improve overall health, but it's not a cure.
  • keelerangela
    keelerangela Posts: 88 Member
    Certain medications have made me gain weight -- Seroquel and Paxil made me huge, augh -- but I was still able to lose weight (modestly) through diet and exercise. Some meds made/make me too tired to exercise, so I just do gentle stuff when I'm fatigued.

    I'm on five medications, and most of them do not make me gain weight. Frankly, I told my doctors that since I had a history of eating disorders, that if they put me on something that would put on the pounds, I was guaranteed to go off it. They've been really respectful of that, and since there are a nice variety of meds out there, you could always mention your concern to your doctor if something is making you uncomfortable.

    I'm slowly losing weight, and so far, my meds don't seem to affect things. I honor my brain as much as my body :)

    That is wonderful that your doctors listen to you and that you are actively seeking a treatment to work for you. KUDOS!
  • nichi123
    nichi123 Posts: 244
    I'm not bipolar, but I have a family history so I can't take anti-depressants so I take Lamotrigine which is commonly used for treating bipolar disorders. I didn't find any weight gain, in fact the opposite. Since my mood was stabilized I could control my eating.

    I'm with this person. I don't have bipolar disorder, but I take lamotrigine/lamictal for a seizure disorder. It has made my appetite go totally away and I've lost weight just from not wanting to eat. Food?! GAG! I have to choke down whatever nutrition I can get. On the other hand, this also means that I have no energy whatsoever, so I am pretty lethargic. I realize my weight loss has been unhealthy, but my doc says this side-effect will even out in a few months and seems unconcerned.

    Edited for clarity.
    I know that when I have had periods of a few days where I couldn't afford my meds I started to go on a downward spiral. I am glad it worked for you but I doubt very much it would work for me.
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    I'm sure that this is not the advice that you are looking for but here goes....

    You can cure Bipolar with diet. I did. Plus binge eating disorder, severe anxiety, and a long list of very serious phsyical illnesses. Malnutrition, which can occur even when one is eating too much, has many effects on our body. The brain is especially impacted by poor nutrition and inadequate healthy dietary fat.

    (Yes, I have been on a bunch of meds and suffered many effects from them. I also just "toughed" it out for years and years and don't know how I survived.)

    Oh, the weight loss issue (but I'm not on meds)-please see my ticker below. Lost the weight, and still losing, without craving or struggling with hunger. If you are curious about what I am up to feel free to read my profile and food diary.

    Please qualify your statement -- it worked for YOU. I have been bipolar since I was a teenager, and I would be dead without my medications. One size does NOT fit all.

    Agreed 100%. Making this sort of a claim is irresponsible and dangerous. Yes, I do believe proper diet and exercise can greatly help when it comes to managing mental disorders. I have struggled with Bipolar II since my early teens and have definitely noticed a decrease in the frequency and duration of my lows since I have established healthy habits, but no way in hell would I ever tell someone who is struggling to give up their physician prescribed meds without some serious discussion with said physician.