I just sort of want to have a thread for chatting with dieters.

You know the kinda thing where we post mundane everyday things. Frustrations of trying to loose weight victories big or small. Obstacles big or small.

So let me introduce myself I am a 3o something woman with kids station wagon no dog yet. A dog probably would have been good for me I would have had to walk it. I dont really mind exercize I just never seem to remember it.
I started in may and I have been loosing at 1 kg a week aprox 2 lbs so far. Which is alot faster than I expected.
I am halfway to my target I did a july weight loss challenge not much chat there only this is my new weight updates with a side of this is what I did wrong /right. I am currently on the harry potter challenge where it also seems most people just update weight. So I would like to chat. I update weight mondays I try to only weigh mondays. I usually have a water retention cycle that gives me masive weightloss one monday small loss/gain the next monday and so on.
I am atempting the back challenge just on app now. I wanted to try the burpee. But couldent manage one so started the push up and plank. My back was to week so now I am doing the back and plank simoultanously. When I manage to get trough that I will do the pushups and then move on to burpees.


  • Numericmama373
    Numericmama373 Posts: 125 Member
    What is the back Challenge
  • deladypilot
    deladypilot Posts: 618 Member
    I understand the desire to just chat. To put it out there. The good and the bad. The day to day life struggles not just health and fitness or weight.

    Im Kathy. I live in Delaware and for the most part I have done well with my weight over the last few years. Up a pound down a pound etc. Then in January my husband had a stroke and I lost it. Went right back to my old habits and as he lost 20 pounds, I gained it. Im working on losing 10 and it is going slowly. Somewhere over the last few years menopause kicked in and it is making it tougher than it was in my younger years.

    I wear a fitbit and try to average at least 10,000 steps a day. I joined a Stepbet for the next 5 weeks to help me push it more. Im also working on getting back into some of my Beach Body workouts. I cant do all of them but I have a couple I have found fun.

    Today is yard day and back to work tomorrow, so off I go
  • Cheery83
    Cheery83 Posts: 208 Member
    What is the back Challenge

    It is an app. It's 30 days you start with a fre and build up.
    It's Superman., renegade roas, bridge pullover and reverse fly. So the various muscle in your back gets a work out.
  • Cheery83
    Cheery83 Posts: 208 Member
    I understand the desire to just chat. To put it out there. The good and the bad. The day to day life struggles not just health and fitness or weight.

    Im Kathy. I live in Delaware and for the most part I have done well with my weight over the last few years. Up a pound down a pound etc. Then in January my husband had a stroke and I lost it. Went right back to my old habits and as he lost 20 pounds, I gained it. Im working on losing 10 and it is going slowly. Somewhere over the last few years menopause kicked in and it is making it tougher than it was in my younger years.

    I wear a fitbit and try to average at least 10,000 steps a day. I joined a Stepbet for the next 5 weeks to help me push it more. Im also working on getting back into some of my Beach Body workouts. I cant do all of them but I have a couple I have found fun.

    Today is yard day and back to work tomorrow, so off I go

    Sorry to hear about your housband I hope he makes a full recovery. I have an old polar loop that count my steps. I try to pass 10 000 myself to.
  • dteach9
    dteach9 Posts: 1 Member
    I am sorry that your husband's stroke set you back but glad he had made a recovery. I also was doing really good in 2015 and then had a lot of work related stress as a special educator and gained it all back plus ten pounds. I have been a yo yo dieter most of my life. All I can do now is restart. Cheering for you and your family. Hang in there. Making the effort is the most important step.
  • Cheery83
    Cheery83 Posts: 208 Member
    Good luck. My
    anlanbear wrote: »
    yup, need to chat right now! my son and his girlfriend are in my kitchen this very moment, making chocolate chip cookies, not to torture anyone, but have to put it somewhere, these are ginormous. it looks like a normal batch of cookies, you know, makes 2 dozen, but they shaped them into 6 large snowball sized cookies. I am 6 days into myfitnesspal. tomorrow is my first weigh in (plan to do it weekly for now, but peeked at the threads where some are weighing daily, will consider it for the future) right now, the only thing that's keeping me from trying these monstrosities is that I will be quite bummed if my FIRST weigh in doesn't show any progress towards my goal! (-30 plus lbs.) and I am clicking on <Complete Diary> which means I am DONE for today.

    Good luck Luckily my kids are to young to bake om their own yet.
    I hope you have a good weigh in.
    I used to way in daily in 2014 learnt some intresting things about bodyweight and menstualcycle.
  • Cheery83
    Cheery83 Posts: 208 Member
    So another day has gone by. I have got the sniffles and skipped going to the gym.
    But diet wise I stayed under my alloted cals so that is good enough for me today.
  • lacyphacelia
    lacyphacelia Posts: 58 Member
    I'm not new to weight loss. It's harder than before because it feels like there's more to juggle. Right now, I'm tossing around the idea of whether I can graduate with a 3.7, or lose 37 lbs lol. I feel like no matter how much prep I do to lose weight, how much planning, scheduling, I will always choose getting stellar grades, academic achievement, and landing a good job than being thin.
  • Cheery83
    Cheery83 Posts: 208 Member
    I went to the gym yesterday once I am in the door the rest is easy.
    Did give the treadmill a try decided it wasnt for me went on the eliptical instead.
  • rachelnmae78
    rachelnmae78 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello all
  • lacyphacelia
    lacyphacelia Posts: 58 Member
    hey Rachel
  • Cheery83
    Cheery83 Posts: 208 Member
    So I am not getting to do ås much exrrcise as planned life keeps getting in the way.
    Last weeks Step count gave me an average of 13000 steps. So I guess I move about even if it is work related not gym related.
    Another good weight loss for me this week.
    I am starting to hope that I will get under 70 kg before 2018. But I am unaure how realistic that would be.

    This weekend was the first birthday weekend since I started this New life and I feel quite good about not eatting bater as I cooked.
    Small pieces of cake contains many cal. Witch I will keep in mind next weekend when I have to guestimate how big the cake is and what the cal density is.

  • lacyphacelia
    lacyphacelia Posts: 58 Member
    One thing that kind of irks me is a lot of people talk about how they lose weight and end up with washboard abs and tight figures without ever exercising. If I did that, I'd be smaller...and flabby. Without exercise as a supplement, I look chunky AF.

    It's sort of unfair.
  • Cheery83
    Cheery83 Posts: 208 Member
    edited September 2017
    One thing that kind of irks me is a lot of people talk about how they lose weight and end up with washboard abs and tight figures without ever exercising. If I did that, I'd be smaller...and flabby. Without exercise as a supplement, I look chunky AF.

    It's sort of unfair.

    If you havent seen them reallife and can confirm that they look as fit as they say they do. Take it with a grain of salt. I have seen alot of people claiming to gain muscle without exercise those muscles are usually pretty imaginary.
  • Cheery83
    Cheery83 Posts: 208 Member
    So this last week has been filled with celebrations I have logged everything. And I have gone over my goal a couple of days but theoreticaly I should loose weight. But this week I gained after two mondays with insane loses I sort of feel like well I knew I didnt loose all that weight. So I am actually not that bothered.

    I use the tape measure once a week too now. Used to only do it monthly but I have started to measure waist and hips monthly and ignore arms chest and legs. The tape
    meassure is saying nice things on the waist, hips dont seem to be much happening at the moment.

  • lacyphacelia
    lacyphacelia Posts: 58 Member
    Cheery83 wrote: »
    One thing that kind of irks me is a lot of people talk about how they lose weight and end up with washboard abs and tight figures without ever exercising. If I did that, I'd be smaller...and flabby. Without exercise as a supplement, I look chunky AF.

    It's sort of unfair.

    If you havent seen them reallife and can confirm that they look as fit as they say they do. Take it with a grain of salt. I have seen alot of people claiming to gain muscle without exercise those muscles are usually pretty imaginary.

    Your comment about the imaginary muscles made me giggle. LOL
  • kathskelly53
    kathskelly53 Posts: 119 Member
    Back from holiday, gained 4 lbs but had upset tummy since I got back so hope the scales are kind to me on Friday. Enjoyed the holiday but comeback to the usual family chaos
  • Cheery83
    Cheery83 Posts: 208 Member
    So life keeps getting on the way of me beeing sociall here. I manage to log and I do pretty well with keeping to my alloted calories but there has been a few bad weekends or they were good but huge gatherings with three course dinners does make the diet difficult. But now all formal things are over after three concecutive weekends of celebrations of various thing. So it will be smooth sailing until christmas I belive.

    I have lost 16 kg since i started in may I have 11 kg left and Some of my clothes are getting way to loose now.
    I am averaging on more than 10 000 steps each day but struggling to get my challenges done.
  • lacyphacelia
    lacyphacelia Posts: 58 Member
    Life seems to be getting in the way of losing weight for me. I said before that I'd rather good high grades-- right now I am on track to get a 4.0 this term (although it's still early). I could graduate with a 3.9. Yeah, I am kind of a perfectionist but it seems like I can only be a perfectionist with one thing at a time.

    It sucks to be unemployed, too. I feel like I have no real reason to have structured time because I have a lot of time. Being unemployed is honestly, one of the worst things to happen to someone's health. Without the interaction of other adults, the structure, and the money (the most important), I feel aimless. Sort of venting right now.