stationary bike 1 long ride or 2-3 shorter ?

I have been trying to get back in shape after years of being sedentary . last year I rolled my ankle bad and 6 months of mostly being off it caused me to gain weight and loose strength .

now I have a stationary bike with the resistance fan wheel I have worked up to doing 30- 37 min at a time once a day . but I am thinking of doing 2 shorter work outs rather than just 1 long each day

any pros or cons


  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    You can use different duration workouts in different ways, but if you're only interested in calorie expenditure then it doesn't much matter.

    I'll sometimes use my turbo trainer for a ninety minute tempo session, maintaining at my threshold intensity, or I'll do shorter sessions with either anaerobic intervals or cruise intervals. Those might be up to 45 minutes or an hour, friending on how they're structured.

    There are different physiological effects depending on how I'll structure the sessions and how they build on one another. That said, my interest is in supporting my endurance running.
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    Doing regular movement throughout the day is better from a health perspective. For fat loss, multiple shorter session is equal or better than a single one, in most of the studies that have been done on the topic.

    BUT, either one is a lot better than none, so do whichever fits better into your life.

    For fitness, try to walk too, and also follow a strength program. :+1:
  • wefts
    wefts Posts: 183 Member
    edited September 2017
    I went to do 15-20 on the bike earlier and did 29 I will go try and do some more . I am trying to build muscle strength in my legs and get some cardio benefit as the lack of any fitness after I healed from the ankle made it hard for me to even get up if I sat on the ground to garden ( I had also 2 past back operations and never really regained strength in my legs ) I want to be able to work in the garden again with out struggling to get back every time I am planting or weeding . when I got the bike in July I was barely able to do 5 minutes at first I can do almost 40 now . I was surprised I do not remember a real bike being any where near as hard to pedal .