Found a Post from 2011...Not new, but looking for friends

Found this in the "My Discussions" page from July 22, 2011 and it made me a bit sad...
Gaia85 wrote: »

As of July 4, I joined myfitnesspal and am eager to get myself to a new confident me! As my profile explains, I've been overweight most of my life and it has really done a number on my confidence. I rarely put myself out there around new people.

I'm tired of hiding my personality and I'm tired of being physically unfit! It's time for a change and I'd love to make these changes with some of the lovely people on this site.

A bit more about me:

I'm 26. I live in Manhattan. I'm a high school teacher. I'm looking to lose about 60 - 67lb all together, though my first big goal is 47lb away.

I try to eat around 1230 calories a day but often fall short (and I'm not trying to fall short, I just find that I don't eat as much when I'm counting calories).

I am trying to work out for an hour each day for 70 days (starting July 1). This might change once school kicks in. I'm on week 3 of the Couch to 5K running program, Day 5 of the 30 Day Shred and walking, swimming or biking on days I don't run. If money permits, I'm looking into taking some private swimming lessons to improve my form and speed.

This is an all around lifestyle change for me (my previous attempts never included the goal to become physically fit) and I would love to make this lifestyle change with others!

Let's support each other!

That was over 6 years ago. I was this optimistic 26-year-old who had lost 10 pounds (5'6", SW 197 at the time) and would go on to lose a total of 22 pounds in 2.5 months before stopping.

Fast forward to November 2017.

Still in NYC, still in education and back at MFP (but stayed away from the community).

Started on Nov 13, 2017 at a SW of 202.2 lbs. Took a 3-month hiatus from mid Feb to mid May but didn't gain any and came back fully committed.

My CW is 160. I have never gotten this far in my life. I have never had a weight this low in my adult life. I'm 6 pounds away from a healthy BMI and I'm waiting in anticipation of that moment!

I'm older, wiser and tired of giving up. And for the first time, I'm enjoying the process. I'm weighing and cooking my own food, prepping snacks and I've lost much of my craving for unhealthy, sweet treats (pastries, high-cal ice cream, chocolates, etc).

Even though I'm losing weight and inches, there's still a lot of fat I want gone. I started weightlifting in the last few weeks in addition to running. My physical fitness is not where I want it to be yet but I'm working on it.

Long story short, I want to be part of the community again. I feel more confident and I'm craving interaction with other people with the same commitment to a healthier life.

So, if you're interested in being friends on here, please friend me! I'm ready to be an active member of the community.

Stats: F, 32, 5'6", SW 202.2, CW 159.8, GW 135 - 145