Full time work, 2 kids needing full attention, need to find the strength to workout..

Same as tittle..


  • PeteG7606
    PeteG7606 Posts: 28 Member
    Very important to develop a successful routine that still allows you to accomplish your daily responsibilities. Initially, you will have to make sacrifices like going to bed without Fallon so you can wake up an hour earlier in the morning. Don't try to work out during the day or at night because the kids will always be a distraction. First thing in the morning, get it out of the way.....
  • mlconner1972
    mlconner1972 Posts: 7 Member
    Good Morning,
    My name is Michelle conner. Forgive me I am new at this. I been using this app for a while and nust found this part. Showes how much attention I pay. Lol..i see your looking for some friends.. if your still looking...i would be up for that. I am a single mom with 3 adult children. I look forward to hearing from you. Forgive me if it makes a bit to respond because I have to figure that part our nexr..lol
  • Derpy_Hooves
    Derpy_Hooves Posts: 234 Member
    You can do workouts at home (youtube, fitnessblender, jillian michaels) or get a good walk in every day in your lunchbreak.
    Are you looking after the children by yourself or is there a partner?
  • Ironandwine69
    Ironandwine69 Posts: 2,432 Member
    I've given up TV time or staying up late for working out. I go to bed earlier than I used to, so I can wake up at 5am, before anyone is up. Get it over with and then start my day. Every day. Consistency is key to making new habits.
    Not saying this works for everyone, but that is the solution I found to your/our problem . I also joined a gym near work and go during my lunch break, it only makes for a 30 min workout, but it's better than nothing.
    You have to make it a priority, then you will find ways.
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    I'm a single mom to 3 kids and work outside the home full-time. Few things that work for me. I found a gym close that has childcare and my kids LOVE to go there and play while I workout for 1 hour. If we don't do that, after I put my kids to bed I either jog on my treadmill at home or ride my stationary bike at home while watching a tv show. I also make it a point to go to bed at a decent hour and not stress the small stuff like leaving a load of clean laundry in the basket and not putting it away. And remember, you can lose weight without dedicated exercise based on eating less and logging your food on here. Good luck!
  • gwenparmenter
    gwenparmenter Posts: 12 Member
    I agree with the gym close to the house that has childcare! I am a mom of 3 (I do a mix of working outside the home, running a home business and being at home for the kiddos/fam) I love going to the gym, I can work out while my kiddos have some fun in the daycare. I usually go right after my oldest gets on the bus, but most gyms will have afternoon daycare hours as well. Mostly it's about getting into a routine. And like someone else said, don't sweat the small stuff! The load of laundry will be there tomorrow on your rest day and you can put it away then! Good Luck!! Feel free to friend me/message me!
  • mbrandt37
    mbrandt37 Posts: 1 Member
    I have been in the same situation and just this year both of my kids are old enough let me leave to go work out. I go to bed early and get up at 5:00 to run before we head out of the house in the morning. I try to fit in yoga on Saturdays and Sundays. I try to be really consistent, because it is so hard to get started once I take a break.
    Exercising is much easier now that my kids can watch themselves. I was mostly sedentary and gained 30lbs when I went back to work full time.
  • shipleyamye
    shipleyamye Posts: 54 Member
    I'm in the same situation. I've got a six and seven year old and work full time with a husband who works out of town.

    I try to fit workouts into my lunch hour...our company gives us 1.5 hours for lunch if you exercise. So we are lucky in that regard.

    I try to make spending time with my kids an active part of our day, playing soccer in the yard, going for walks, running around the park etc...

    My oldest loves yoga so we do it together from videos on youtube. There are also some pretty great dancing and active moving videos on youtube for kids...I do them with my kids.

    I think that there is also an understanding that this is a certain season of life where personal time is limited. Fitting in everything can be really hard. Sure I would like to have time to myself to exercise but that's not my reality. Instead I work on making my reality as active as possible. I even sit on a fitness ball at work and bounce around while I'm working. I figure if I move more then I will burn more.
  • mlrtri
    mlrtri Posts: 425 Member
    I agree with all the posts so won't repeat what has already been said. The one other thing I had to learn to do was not feel guilty for taking a little time to take care of myself. I prefer to engage my kids with physical activities (hikes,walks, tag) or work out when they are asleep or not with me (coming home from work). But sometimes I have to let them watch a bit of TV and exercise at home or I don't get a chance to do any. That used to really bother me. And at first they weren't very good at leaving me alone while I exercised. But it has opened up some great conversations about health/fitness and I see it as being a good example. I just try to make sure to give them some time afterwards. And since we really limit screen time it is a little treat for them as well.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    how bad do you want it? go get it"?, take them everywhere, do everything and anything. you should burn more calories then other people!
  • mlrtri
    mlrtri Posts: 425 Member
    edited September 2017
    shipleyamye "I try to fit workouts into my lunch hour...our company gives us 1.5 hours for lunch if you exercise. So we are lucky in that regard."

    SO JEALOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!