Don't hate me because I'm beautiful.

I lost 120 pounds in 2016 naturally using this fitness app. I am 46 years old, 5"6 and bounce around between 135 and 140 pounds. I have been maintains this weight for the last 8 months. I wear a snug, size 6 jean. I consume on average 2500 to 2800 calories a day and eat mostly clean. I was about 10 pounds shy of a healthy bmi while loosing the weight when women started to turn on me. I do and hour and 15 minutes of light cardio a day at my gym. A couple of female trainers often walk by me on the treadmill and roll their eyes. Another female trainer took a more polite approach and explained that because I weight train I have too much lean muscle mass and not enough fat and it is therefore a health issue. I have been accused of being anorexic. I wear my skinny jeans out in public and have had woman glaring at me. I go to a female only weight training club and was recently scolded by one of the woman in front of everybody. She told me that I really need to gain some weight and that I have taken my diet way too far. She didn't say it in a nice way and is clearly pissed off having to work out with me twice a week. This hasn't effected my self esteem in any way. I know I look amazing and am proud of how disciplined and healthy I have become.. I have learned to take these put downs from woman as a compliment, however I find them to be annoying and disappointing. I'm just curious if anyone else had similar experiences after loosing weight or is my life just bizarre. I have posted some recent picks. Does my body look emaciated?


  • Whitezombiegirl
    Whitezombiegirl Posts: 1,042 Member
    You don't look emaciated.

    I've had hate from women for being slimmer than them. I've been accused of having an eating disorder. I've been shamed for admitting to weighing myself once a week and I've had one coworker call others into the room to collectively critique my body. I begged her not to and it really upset me.

    I had random female and make coworkers to me I'm less attractive now because I lost my full bus om.

    I don't know what the hell is wrong with some people!
  • Haters gonna hate, what can you Do!?
  • AuthorNinja
    AuthorNinja Posts: 69 Member
    I think you look just fine! Congrats on the success that you've had! You worked hard, and if other people choose to be negative about it, that's their problem. You should be proud of the disciplines you've instilled in your life! :)
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,518 Member
    You look great.

    This board is generally too polite for my other comments.

    120 lb loss is amazing and must be carefully defended. Keep working. You made my day.

    And keep posting on WL and fitness boards. The world has gone mad.
  • dawnda1234
    dawnda1234 Posts: 22 Member
    You don't look emaciated.

    I've had hate from women for being slimmer than them. I've been accused of having an eating disorder. I've been shamed for admitting to weighing myself once a week and I've had one coworker call others into the room to collectively critique my body. I begged her not to and it really upset me.

    I had random female and make coworkers to me I'm less attractive now because I lost my full bus om.

    I don't know what the hell is wrong with some people!

  • dawnda1234
    dawnda1234 Posts: 22 Member
    I have heard nightmare stories about woman in the work place. I have a beautiful girlfriend who was bullied by woman at work. They punctured one of the tires on her car at work and it blew up going down the highway on her way home. They literally could have killed her. Stay strong. You look beautiful! We need to start a support group!
  • sanseverina5624
    sanseverina5624 Posts: 16 Member
    edited September 2017
    You look a perfectly normal weight.
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    I think you look very pleasingly slim. If you were trying to lose weight at this time I would tell you it seems uneneccecary but maintaining your current weight looks like a healthy decision. weights and strength are so important as we age, so that is another healthy decision. It is always hard to tell from pictures and brief info on internet, of course, but it appears you are looking and doing great!

    Can I hate you for your height ( just kidding)? Cause no amount of reaching goal weight or recomp will give me your long slim look - and I would love it! I have linebacker shoulders on a short hourglass figure and will have to deal with it - but you look fantastic- the way I would choose to look if I could.
  • TravisJHunt
    TravisJHunt Posts: 533 Member
    Look healthy to me. Great loss. I never realized it was such a crazy world for women out there. I guess bullying isn't just a kids thing. Its too bad really. I like to look at life like as long as what you're doing isn't affecting someone else, then its your business and people should accept that. Especially if its not done in a caring way for the right reasons. Being pissed because someone looks better than you is just something I cannot comprehend. And in my case, most people look better than me! LOL! Keep smiling and don't let the haters get you down!
  • I started my weight loss journey at 267 and ended up at 155 almost a year later. I went from a size 22 to a size 6 at my smallest. I also began running, lifting weights and at that time in my life spent close to 2 hours per day working out, before and after work. Some of my closest friends turned on me. At some point, when I was within 20-25 lbs of goal, I began to get "enough is enough" comments, "It won't hurt you to have fun now and then," "you are taking this exercise thing too far".....I was in the zone and wanted to stay there.

    Don't what makes you happy, whatever feels comfortable to you. You have to live in your skin.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Geez, where do you live? Women getting bullied and their tires punctured at work? People openly scolding you at the gym? You are considered emaciated at a snug size 6??
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    My key phrase for dealing with people like that is "I'm sorry you feel that way"...tends to shut them up pretty fast if they can't get you to engage in a fight or make you get, it's usually a pretty sincere sentiment, I really do feel sorry for people who don't understand what a healthy body looks like, particularly when they are professionals in the exercise field - it doesn't get much more pathetic than look amazing, and I totally scrolled through your profile pics, your journey is very definitely don't look like your body fat is low enough to be a health concern...mean people just suck.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    You look like a freaking rock star! Fabulous!! Am glad to hear you don't let the negative comments get to you.

    It disappoints me to hear how other women can be so damn catty! Instead of cheering someone on for making such great changes, they are jealous that you now may look "better" than they do. Why must we see each other as a threat? I don't get it.

    Anyway, you look great! Rock on! :)
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    I have been at your weight, an inch shorter and everyone used to say, "you've lost too much weight"


    Glad to hear your self esteem is okay and sad to hear that women are not empowering each other more. That definitely sucks!

    You look svelte and so very different from your before photos. If you like what you see in the mirror, no one else needs to have a say.
  • CrashTestTummy
    CrashTestTummy Posts: 4 Member
    Wow - this blows my mind. I don't know why because adult women can be more catty than high school girls, but you just continue being you and don't let them get you down. I took a peek and I think you look amazing and you're an INSPIRATION. Jealousy is what it boils down to, plain and simple. Keep up with your weight training!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited September 2017
    Geez, where do you live? Women getting bullied and their tires punctured at work? People openly scolding you at the gym? You are considered emaciated at a snug size 6??

    Yeah, this seems really odd to me too, and I've had some really gorgeous co-workers, and personally got zero flack when I was a comfortable size 4 (nor was I near the thinnest in my workplace/social circle). My sister was 5'3, 110 for ages (more like 115 now) and generally got told she looked good or no comment at all.

    Maybe people really do live in different worlds.
  • dawnda1234
    dawnda1234 Posts: 22 Member
    I live in a Detroit suburb. Lol. 95% of the people at my gym are exceptionally nice. I get flack from a very small percentage of woman there that weight train. They can be very competitive and critical of their own bodies. Many of them have a negative attitude toward doing cardio, which they see me doing a lot of.
  • amuslimahh
    amuslimahh Posts: 15 Member
    Women can be so cruel ☹️