Clean eating help, success stories



  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited September 2017
    Edit: this was to the OP:

    I moved over to the other thread already. ;-)

    Processed food is a really huge category. It can mean "junk food," but it also can mean quite nutritious items like plain greek yogurt (although you may want to try cutting out dairy if digestive issues are a concern) and smoked salmon and foods that can be a good base for a healthy meal like rice and pasta and canned beans. (Not saying you should or shouldn't eat these, I don't care, but that you should not assume that anyone who eats processed food is eating junk* or cares nothing about nutrition.)

    In other words, I think you are misunderstanding if you think "I don't eat clean" or "I don't find it valuable to cut out all processed foods 100% of the time" to mean "I only care about counting calories" or "I eat a lot of junk" or even to be inconsistent with "I mostly eat nutrient-dense foods cooked at home."

    *Some people hate the term "junk," but I do mostly know what you mean and the term doesn't bother me, I don't think most think of it all that literally, but just mean low nutrient/high cal.
  • Desifreckle
    Desifreckle Posts: 110 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    I moved over to the other thread already. ;-)

    Processed food is a really huge category. It can mean "junk food," but it also can mean quite nutritious items like plain greek yogurt (although you may want to try cutting out dairy if digestive issues are a concern) and smoked salmon and foods that can be a good base for a healthy meal like rice and pasta and canned beans. (Not saying you should or shouldn't eat these, I don't care, but that you should not assume that anyone who eats processed food is eating junk* or cares nothing about nutrition.)

    In other words, I think you are misunderstanding if you think "I don't eat clean" or "I don't find it valuable to cut out all processed foods 100% of the time" to mean "I only care about counting calories" or "I eat a lot of junk" or even to be inconsistent with "I mostly eat nutrient-dense foods cooked at home."

    *Some people hate the term "junk," but I do mostly know what you mean and the term doesn't bother me, I don't think most think of it all that literally, but just mean low nutrient/high cal.

    I litterly said that because another poster said most people just count calories here. I don't want anyone thinking that i find an issue with that.

    Honestly, I feel like we're going way too deep in this, nit picking at words. I'm moving on now. I won't use that term so broadly again. Have a good night! (Not being sarcastic so please don't take it that way. Lol)
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited September 2017
    You don't have to respond, although I am sorry if not, because as I said before I do think it's mostly a misunderstanding.
    @lemurcat12 Like many people her I'm on a mission to lose weight and try and live a healthier lifestyle. I come to the community boards to gain motivation for my journey and ideas on how to make my overall plan better.

    I understand you may want to have a conversation and understand where others are coming from however when you use phrases like "are you suggesting otherwise" and " I was offended" it becomes an inflammatory conversation.

    I'm really not sure why, so perhaps I am communicating badly. Let me focus more specifically on your first post.

    You said:
    You can't ask that type of question here :smile: It's all about calorie counting and meeting you specific calorie goal to lose weight.

    This seems to me to be saying that people here are not open to discussions about health or nutrition, that we care ONLY about weight loss. I think you are misunderstanding.
    I will share that I feel better overall when incorporating more fruits and veggies in my diet. Besides being able to eat more because of the low calorie nature of fruits and veggies I also get less heartburn, migraines and overall feel better.

    This suggested to me that you are assuming that people who say they don't self-define as "clean eaters" don't eat vegetables and fruit, that that is something "people here" would dismiss or make fun of, vs. just focusing on calories.

    Again, I think you are misunderstanding, if so.

    When I said "are you suggesting others," I was genuinely asking if you think that everyone here who asks what "clean eating" means or does not self-identify as a "clean eater" was uninterested in healthful eating or vegetables and fruit, because I think that's pretty obviously not true, and yet so often people who say "I eat some processed foods" (again, processed foods being a huge category including many nutritious items) or "I include some sugar in my diet" get accused of not caring about health or eating only donuts. I did not think you were making that leap, but I was asking, because it appeared to me from your post that you were saying others here didn't care about healthy eating.

    I was totally open to being wrong. Sorry if that did not come across well, and I am sorry if I misunderstood your post.

    Can you understand at all that it gets tiresome to be accused of caring nothing about nutrition when many of us really do?
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Being a clean eater (to the point of being orthorexic) gave me health and digestive issues. It made me stressed and have anxiety.

    My tip is to not do it. Sure, avoid foods that cause you issues. Many "clean" foods may be the cause of your issues - too much broccoli, especially raw, puts me in a world of pain. If you have problems, see a health professional about them - a trip to the Dr and a dietician/similar may be helpful.

    Eating a healthy nutritious diet dies not require restriction of foods, negative food associations, labelling of foods. I feel (and know I am) physically and mentally healthier by having a more flexible approach to diet and food choices
  • Mccloud74
    Mccloud74 Posts: 788 Member
    edited September 2017
    Hi there,

    I try to eat clean, which to me is no processed single ingredients.

    For example, my food plan for today is:
    B - 50g smoked salmon, 50g avocado & fresh lemon
    L - lean mince with peppers, onions, garlic & chilli cooked in coconut oil with 50g (dry weight) basmati rice
    D - fresh cod (with paprika), boiled potatoes & green beans with pine nuts

    I stick to it as much as possible, but it can be I don't beat myself up if I have spaghetti instead of rice :wink: