Beginning a journey!

Hi there, I'm Sheyan and I've struggled with my weight practically all my life. I'm hoping being part of this community will help empower me, and further me in achieving my goal of losing 70lbs. My biggest problem is with temptations (I'm like a junkie, put a cupcake in front of me I can't say no!) If anybody has any advice to beat these urges, let me know! That being said, I'm excited to maybe be part of some of yours tumbles and triumphs, and maybe get some feedback myself!


  • quarterhorses
    quarterhorses Posts: 240 Member
    You can do it! When the scale starts moving it makes it easier to say no! ☺️ But I must admit my mouth watered a little when I read cupcake! I'll send you a friend request ☺️ Good luck!
  • ConnieAGinther
    ConnieAGinther Posts: 515 Member
    Would love to connect as friends!!