Maintaining and gaining muscle; how much cardio?



  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Others will be able to answer more precisely, but I am thinking 30 minutes a few times per week is fine.

    As far as gaining muscle, have you considered a bulk/cut cycle?

    I'm not sure what that is? Can you explain it to me?
    I'm working on my plan basically right now... So... Yeah. Ha.

    TBH, you should have been lifting while losing weight to maintain your muscle mass. Gaining muscle is extremely hard, so it is easier for someone to maintain what they have rather than lose it and try to work it back.

    Too late to change that now. Besides, the muscle rebound effect will cause her to regain that lost muscle fairly quickly, especially if eating at a surplus.

    With the quote of "I want to stay at my goal weight", I don't see a surplus coming....
    You're right. But I wanna add that I don't mind gaining weight, I just don't wanna get necessarily bigger... If that makes sense.

    What do you mean by "bigger"?
  • UnleashingLovely
    Others will be able to answer more precisely, but I am thinking 30 minutes a few times per week is fine.

    As far as gaining muscle, have you considered a bulk/cut cycle?

    I'm not sure what that is? Can you explain it to me?
    I'm working on my plan basically right now... So... Yeah. Ha.

    TBH, you should have been lifting while losing weight to maintain your muscle mass. Gaining muscle is extremely hard, so it is easier for someone to maintain what they have rather than lose it and try to work it back.

    Too late to change that now. Besides, the muscle rebound effect will cause her to regain that lost muscle fairly quickly, especially if eating at a surplus.

    With the quote of "I want to stay at my goal weight", I don't see a surplus coming....
    You're right. But I wanna add that I don't mind gaining weight, I just don't wanna get necessarily bigger... If that makes sense.

    What do you mean by "bigger"?
    I wanna stay small and femine... Yet cut and muscular... Like: tumblr_m7hdwhVs9B1r4rqjqo1_400.jpg
    I don't wanna bodybuild... But I wanna be muscular.
    ETA: That's the best pictre I could find that wasn't borderline porn. Lol.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    I wanna stay small and femine... Yet cut and muscular... Like: tumblr_m7hdwhVs9B1r4rqjqo1_400.jpg
    I don't wanna bodybuild... But I wanna be muscular.

    Unless you're taking steroids, you can't body build. Women don't naturally (minus some individual cases) have the levels of testosterone required to "body build". You can lift as heavy a weight as you possibly can, as much as you can, but if you aren't feeding the workout and taking some sort of supplement, you just won't get that big.
  • UnleashingLovely
    I know that. I'm just saying I don't wanna gain weight for mass.
    I know muscle weighs more than fat so I'm not gonna flip out if I gain a few lbs....
    I'm not one of those girls that has to be this weight or I hate myself.
  • tquill
    tquill Posts: 300 Member
    You're not gonna get that from a lot of cardio. That's achieved by strength training... and unless you're taking steroids, you will stay "femine."
  • UnleashingLovely
    You're not gonna get that from a lot of cardio. That's achieved by strength training... and unless you're taking steroids, you will stay "femine."
    Bleh. I knew i shouldn't have used those words... I know. I just couldn't figure out how to word it.
    ETA: And I'm wanting to do primarily strength training? Thats what I've been saying through the posts. Cardio for health benefits only.
  • tmpecus78
    tmpecus78 Posts: 1,206 Member
    I would suggest limiting your Cardio to 2-3 times a week for 25-30 min. Either in the morning in a fasted state or post lifting.
  • UnleashingLovely
    I really am quite small.... I weight about 110 lbs and have a small frame... Would I get better results if I gained a little when lifting? I don't know that I got enough meat ta work with:laugh:
  • UnleashingLovely
    I would suggest limiting your Cardio to 2-3 times a week for 25-30 min. Either in the morning in a fasted state or post lifting.

    Is there a reason for the whole morning or post lifting thing?
  • LBNOakland
    LBNOakland Posts: 379 Member
    New Rules of Lifting 4 women

    Great resource! Exercise and diet plans. I lift 3x a week. Trust me, it IS cardio!! I also walk 3-5x a week but it's more a stroll. I try to do HIIT cardio for 20 - 30 minute 1 to 2 x a week but I don't stress if I don't get it in. I am very proactive about staying more active with gardening, Wii dancing, moving in general! Sunday is a total rest from everything but church!

    Good luck!!
  • UnleashingLovely
    New Rules of Lifting 4 women

    Great resource! Exercise and diet plans. I lift 3x a week. Trust me, it IS cardio!! I also walk 3-5x a week but it's more a stroll. I try to do HIIT cardio for 20 - 30 minute 1 to 2 x a week but I don't stress if I don't get it in. I am very proactive about staying more active with gardening, Wii dancing, moving in general! Sunday is a total rest from everything but church!

    Good luck!!

    I looked at that book.... It seemed confusing, I guess I'll have to give it another look.
  • tquill
    tquill Posts: 300 Member
    Let me start with my disclaimer that "I'm not an expert by any means," but I do research this sort of stuff constantly.

    In my opinion, cardio and gaining muscle are somewhat in opposition to eachother. That's not to say you can't do both, but I think your muscle gains will be somewhat hindered or slowed if you're trying to bulk while still maintaining a decent amount of cardio. Perhaps this could result in slower muscle gains with less fat???

    Anyway, maybe others have had success with it... but I personally don't want cardio hampering muscle gains when I do begin a bulking phase. I know I'll be gaining a bit of fat when bulking, but that's nothing a quick cutting phase can't cure.
  • frecklesandfries
    frecklesandfries Posts: 32 Member
    If you wanna start a great weightlifting program I would start Jamie Easons Livefit program. Its a good introduction into lifting and has workout plans for you.
  • UnleashingLovely
    Let me start with my disclaimer that "I'm not an expert by any means," but I do research this sort of stuff constantly.

    In my opinion, cardio and gaining muscle are somewhat in opposition to eachother. That's not to say you can't do both, but I think your muscle gains will be somewhat hindered or slowed if you're trying to bulk while still maintaining a decent amount of cardio. Perhaps this could result in slower muscle gains with less fat???

    Anyway, maybe others have had success with it... but I personally don't want cardio hampering muscle gains when I do begin a bulking phase. I know I'll be gaining a bit of fat when bulking, but that's nothing a quick cutting phase can't cure.

    Yes, it would be great to get that muscle fast and I believe that yes, cardio does slow it down. My primary goal is healthy as possible and second is getting them muscles.
  • UnleashingLovely
    If you wanna start a great weightlifting program I would start Jamie Easons Livefit program. Its a good introduction into lifting and has workout plans for you.
    I may be thinking of something else... But doesn't that one cost a good bit of moolah?
  • UnleashingLovely
  • tquill
    tquill Posts: 300 Member
    Yes, it would be great to get that muscle fast and I believe that yes, cardio does slow it down. My primary goal is healthy as possible and second is getting them muscles.

    My wife used to judge me because my routine didn't have any cardio... until she started working out with me. I'll admit we're not getting the cardio excersise that running provides... but if you're lifting with decent intensity, it does get your heart pounding at a good rate.
  • UnleashingLovely
    Yes, it would be great to get that muscle fast and I believe that yes, cardio does slow it down. My primary goal is healthy as possible and second is getting them muscles.

    My wife used to judge me because my routine didn't have any cardio... until she started working out with me. I'll admit we're not getting the cardio excersise that running provides... but if you're lifting with decent intensity, it does get your heart pounding at a good rate.
    I guess I never really thought about the lifting as a heart pumping exercise.
    Like I said, I'm a noob(:
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I do not believe that 30 min of cardio per week will affect your muscle gains significantly.