Not Letting Anything Get In My Way...

So it seems like everytime I get back into a routine something always happens that slows my progress down. In January I had dropped 15 pounds to get to the lowest weight I had been in 6 years!! Then I had knee surgery and wasn't allowed to do a whole lot for 6 weeks. I packed back on those 15 pounds plus a little extra. I was cleared by the doctor a week ago to begin exercising again so I get back on a routine and start. Sure enough after 3 whole days I get sick. I spent this past weekend on the couch with a fever not doing anything. This happens EVERYTIME! So I came back to work today and as I was sitting at my desk, stuffy and coughing up yucky stuff, I think to myself, "How many times has this happened to you over the years? Everytime. And how many times do you let it keep you out of the gym? Everytime." Well not this time. I went and did 42 miuntes of cardio during my lunch and feel so much better. Still stuffy, still coughing up yucky stuff, but physically, mentally, and emotionally, I feel great. I will not let this trend beat me this time!

This may not work for some, but ask yourself "Isn't meeting your goal worth the effort?"



  • mspoopoo
    mspoopoo Posts: 500 Member
    Yes, it has happened a couple of times. Surgery itself will make you retain water from the anesthesia etc. I weighed myself before and after a surgery and had gained 4kg.

    Plus the tendency to go back to unhealthy eating while crook.

    Your health is worth it.