Isn't toning body same as losing fat?

I have been using the Cardio HIIT Trainer now for 3 weeks. People are telling me I am a bit toned, but fat loss is not there yet. Can someone explain aren't these the same thing: toning and losing fat?

I weighed 183 pounds 3 weeks ago and today am 181; not much reduction there, but I feel and look slimmer.

Secondly I heard by doing just cardio, I will lose muscle along with fat. I really don't want that. Should I start doing strength training also? With a small baby, I am not able to go to gym. Are there any strength training exercises I can do from home?


  • ghbtwo
    ghbtwo Posts: 11 Member
    toning, fat loss - semantics. you might interpret one way others may argue toning is slightly different. if you are doing just cardio and looking to lose a significant amount of weight you will lose muscle. strength training is a great compliment to cardio regardless, if you have the desire to be 'toned' as in 'cut' that is you're showing some muscle then you adding strength training will certainly help, along with proper macro's.
  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,727 Member
    I have been using the Cardio HIIT Trainer now for 3 weeks. People are telling me I am a bit toned, but fat loss is not there yet. Can someone explain aren't these the same thing: toning and losing fat?

    I weighed 183 pounds 3 weeks ago and today am 181; not much reduction there, but I feel and look slimmer.

    Secondly I heard by doing just cardio, I will lose muscle along with fat. I really don't want that. Should I start doing strength training also? With a small baby, I am not able to go to gym. Are there any strength training exercises I can do from home?

    What is a "Cardio HIIT Trainer"
  • Muscleflex79
    Muscleflex79 Posts: 1,917 Member
    I have been using the Cardio HIIT Trainer now for 3 weeks. People are telling me I am a bit toned, but fat loss is not there yet. Can someone explain aren't these the same thing: toning and losing fat?

    I weighed 183 pounds 3 weeks ago and today am 181; not much reduction there, but I feel and look slimmer.

    Secondly I heard by doing just cardio, I will lose muscle along with fat. I really don't want that. Should I start doing strength training also? With a small baby, I am not able to go to gym. Are there any strength training exercises I can do from home?

    "toning" isn't really a thing...usually when people say "toned" they mean losing fat to show the muscle underneath - to get that muscle underneath you are best to lift - doing cardio alone will just make you a smaller version of the shape you are now..
  • skymningen
    skymningen Posts: 532 Member
    You can do lots of strength training at home. If you do body weight exercises you don't even need any equipment. And if you want to lift a weight, go lift baby (safely, of course, but honestly, people do this and some babys like it quite a bit).
  • patli_kamar
    patli_kamar Posts: 5 Member
    The CardioHIIT Trainer is the perfect 2-in-1 Hybrid of a stepper and an elliptical. You get the benefits of both in one. The technologically advanced exercise equipment is equipped with 32 workout apps to keep you busy.
  • patli_kamar
    patli_kamar Posts: 5 Member
    My weight is fluctuation bw 180 and 181 for now 3 weeks, but I look slimmer. Is it I am building muscle? So this High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) machine is building muscle that is why my weight is not going down? Is it also doing strength training then?

    Check out,38085740874,kwd-272531711665&gclid=CPPGv-yck9YCFUVgfgod_REF8w

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    "Toning" was a made up word by the fitness industry and has no standard definition (don't get me started on my stance on this). I BELIEVE that females say it to mean they want to lose body fat with NO increase in muscle size or definition.
    For that to happen, one just needs to be in a calorie deficit and not let their body fat percentage get too low. Cardio helps burn calories and helps to condition the muscle to an extent, but unless your intake is conducive to keeping you in a calorie deficit, fat loss ain't gonna happen.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    I have been using the Cardio HIIT Trainer now for 3 weeks. People are telling me I am a bit toned, but fat loss is not there yet. Can someone explain aren't these the same thing: toning and losing fat?

    I weighed 183 pounds 3 weeks ago and today am 181; not much reduction there, but I feel and look slimmer.

    Secondly I heard by doing just cardio, I will lose muscle along with fat. I really don't want that. Should I start doing strength training also? With a small baby, I am not able to go to gym. Are there any strength training exercises I can do from home?

    "toning" (to me) would describe some sort of combination of [1] gaining muscle and/or [2] losing fat to uncover (either pre-existing or new) muscle.
  • jjpptt2
    jjpptt2 Posts: 5,650 Member
    Toning is a concept that can mean different things to different people. It is subjective.

    Fat loss is physiological response to diet and exercise. It is measurable and predictable.

    That said, I do consider them to be connected even if MFP will burn you at the stake for using the word "toned".
  • Muscleflex79
    Muscleflex79 Posts: 1,917 Member
    My weight is fluctuation bw 180 and 181 for now 3 weeks, but I look slimmer. Is it I am building muscle? So this High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) machine is building muscle that is why my weight is not going down? Is it also doing strength training then?

    Check out,38085740874,kwd-272531711665&gclid=CPPGv-yck9YCFUVgfgod_REF8w

    no - you have definitely not accidentally put on muscle mass in three weeks of using the elliptical. muscle growth (in women especially) is a long and slow process that is measured in months/years, not 3 weeks, and also requires a calorie surplus and progressive lifting program - none of which you have.