I need some BBW motivation!

All my big beautiful women (and men)!

I am very new to myfitnesspal (actually, I've downloaded the app about 40 times, never used it, just deleted it again when I need more space on my phone).

I am looking to lose about 2 stone, currently standing at 13.7 stone with a height of 5ft10 (I know). I drink a hot cup of water every morning with a couple of slices of lemon, and then I use the same lemon in my glasses of water throughout the day.


I work in an office so I'm on my *kitten* all day. I go home, I eat dinner. I watch Netflix. I'M 23!!! I used to be a heavy festival go-er but now I've lost the desire for that. I would love some motivation from you guys x


  • malikahaha
    malikahaha Posts: 4 Member
    Also, I don't know why it has auto-corrected to "kitten" - that's worrying. I'm sure you know what I meant...
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    malikahaha wrote: »
    Also, I don't know why it has auto-corrected to "kitten" - that's worrying. I'm sure you know what I meant...

    Kitten is the mfp censor word for anything deemed inappropriate....

    Good thing is, to lose weight, you don't need to exercise. Sure it's great for health, but to lose weight you need to be in a calorie deficit. Being more active enables you to eat more, which can be an incentive for some people I guess.

    I'm not sure of the importance of the lemon water. Have you got a calorie goal for weight loss? I'd recommend starting there, closely followed by getting yourself a food scale.
  • Kathryn247
    Kathryn247 Posts: 570 Member
    Hello! Welcome to the group! MFP changes all swear-words to *kitten* which I find really funny.

    Now to your other point - you don't have to exercise to lose weight! You just have to eat at a calorie deficit. I lost my first 25 pounds without exercise, then I decided to be more active. Make sure you weigh all of your solid foods with a food scale, and use measuring cups for liquids, and log everything you eat as accurately as possible. MFP will tell you how many calories you should have in a day, stick to what they say and you'll lose weight.

    As you go, remember that weight loss isn't linear so your weight will go up and down from day to day. If you stick to the plan it will all work out. Also, there's nothing magic about hot water with lemon, unfortunately! If you like it, stick with it, but it's not "jump starting your metabolism" or whatever they say.

    Good luck, you can do it!
  • dani_1977
    dani_1977 Posts: 557 Member
    Hi and welcome.

    I'm Currently 234 lbs, I have lost this weight before but life happens and I let creep back on after several attempts to stop it. I just don't handle stress well, I eat stress . Literally hahahaaha

    MFP is set up so you actually don't need to work out out to lose the weight. That's what the calorie deficit is all about. Normally for me to maintain my current weight I could eat 2,250 calories a day and not gain anything. I choose the sedentary ( have a desk job ) and to loose 1 lb a week. So MFP says eat 1750 calories a day and you shall loose 1 lb per week.

    I exercise for health reasons and because yes I'd like to see some parts of my body more tone.

    You dont have to do much to see a change in the beginning. Walking 30 minutes a day is enough. I actually watch my netflix as I walk on the treadmill.

    Add me if you like.
  • nikkie482
    nikkie482 Posts: 26 Member
    Hello everyone I am currently struggling with the motivation to work out as well. The thing that has been motivating me lately is looking at other woman with nice shapes. Woman in my family and friends and that all work out. I'm just tired of being fat. I also do a workout on YouTube "*kitten* Being Fat". I was not always fat and I need to get my body back. I started out at 252lbs and I am currently 227lbs. Hope that helped
  • jaci66
    jaci66 Posts: 139 Member
    Just walk... walk... walk... I do very little else, exercise wise, and I lose roughly 2lbs a week.
  • artbyrachelh
    artbyrachelh Posts: 338 Member
    Thanks for clarifying the kitten thing. I hadn't figured that out yet and today's my 50th day. Hahaha!
  • malikahaha
    malikahaha Posts: 4 Member
    malikahaha wrote: »
    Also, I don't know why it has auto-corrected to "kitten" - that's worrying. I'm sure you know what I meant...

    Kitten is the mfp censor word for anything deemed inappropriate....

    Good thing is, to lose weight, you don't need to exercise. Sure it's great for health, but to lose weight you need to be in a calorie deficit. Being more active enables you to eat more, which can be an incentive for some people I guess.

    I'm not sure of the importance of the lemon water. Have you got a calorie goal for weight loss? I'd recommend starting there, closely followed by getting yourself a food scale.
    malikahaha wrote: »
    Also, I don't know why it has auto-corrected to "kitten" - that's worrying. I'm sure you know what I meant...

    Kitten is the mfp censor word for anything deemed inappropriate....

    Good thing is, to lose weight, you don't need to exercise. Sure it's great for health, but to lose weight you need to be in a calorie deficit. Being more active enables you to eat more, which can be an incentive for some people I guess.

    I'm not sure of the importance of the lemon water. Have you got a calorie goal for weight loss? I'd recommend starting there, closely followed by getting yourself a food scale.

  • TomKershawUK
    TomKershawUK Posts: 65 Member
    I started off at nearly 20st / 6' 3" approx. I'm now around 13st 5lbs. I do exercise but the most important thing for weight loss is diet.
