1st Spin class



  • canarysal
    canarysal Posts: 118 Member
    It takes a couple of classes to get into any new exercise as first time is such a learning curve. Hope you enjoy ......
  • AudreyJDuke
    AudreyJDuke Posts: 1,092 Member
    Spinning is great fun but does take a couple of classes to get the gist. Have fun!
  • fittocycle
    fittocycle Posts: 825 Member
    I'm so proud of you! You have no idea how many people are too terrified to try something new. You did it! It's a tough workout but it almost leaves you feeling exhilarated afterward. Must be all those endorphins kicking in!

    Standing or coming up out of the saddle will get easier. It feels awkward at first. Makes sure you have a good amount of resistance on the bike and it'll make the transition easier.

    So glad you gave the class a try. And you stayed for the whole class too! I can't tell you how many people I've seen leave halfway through class.
  • bluval89
    bluval89 Posts: 15 Member
    fittocycle wrote: »
    I'm so proud of you! You have no idea how many people are too terrified to try something new. You did it! It's a tough workout but it almost leaves you feeling exhilarated afterward. Must be all those endorphins kicking in!

    Standing or coming up out of the saddle will get easier. It feels awkward at first. Makes sure you have a good amount of resistance on the bike and it'll make the transition easier.

    So glad you gave the class a try. And you stayed for the whole class too! I can't tell you how many people I've seen leave halfway through class.

    Thank you!! I know i just kept telling myself to keep going. Quitting popped in my head so many times. The music helped a bunch too I'm just happy i finished that was my main goal stay on the bike and keep the peddles going.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,170 Member
    You rock: You did great! You set a goal (pedal all through), and worked to achieve it. You worked hard. You kept going. These are the first steps on your path to being fitter, stronger, and healthier, and it's those first steps that are hardest.

    From here, just be be persistent and consistent, and you will make progress. The things you couldn't quite do this time will gradually become possible, then easier.

    Don't be surprised if you have some sore muscles tomorrow. It will feel better if you move a bit - some stretching or an easy walk. A hot bath (with epsom salts if you have some) or hot shower may feel good. Then go to class again in a few days, even if it's still a little sore. As long as you keep it up, the soreness will be less as you go along, so as long as it's just general soreness, not as localized pain (like a possible injury), it's good to stick with it, as long as you allow at least a couple of days recovery between classes at first.

    I knew you could do it: Yay, you! :)
  • bluval89
    bluval89 Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks AnnPT77
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    I'm so glad you stuck with it and did the entire hour!! It will start getting easier, just stick with it. :smile:
  • canarysal
    canarysal Posts: 118 Member
    Great stuff, it does get easier though then you increase resistance to work harder. Lots of new starters tend to put all their weight through their arms when standing which means its the arms that give out rather than the legs. I couldn't stand and change gear first time did class. You'll soon be hooked, real buzz after good spinning session.