Everything is better in 3s!

Hey guys! So tonight as I had my girlfriends over and we were about to say our goodbyes we started talking; all of us are 23 and all stuck in a rut with our weights.

We have all been friends since high school and have all gone through lots of stuff together. Now we are getting a little older we are all going through different challenges in life but one challenge can all relate to is wanting to lose weight(but lacking the motivation and determination from our surroundings).

I have recently decided I want to take thos journey and they are gonna be right there with eachother. We are going to get together weekly and take progress pictures,weigh in,meal prep and workout together. When one has an off day the others will be there to get them back on track.

We are in this together and the best way to get motivated is to find people with common goals. If theres anyone struggling to keep going and you do not have anyone to turn to PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE TO REACH OUT! We all have on goal and we are all here to support anyone else who wants the same thing.

P.s.writing is not my strong suit and I am aware so please do not be an *kitten*....


  • zingeber
    zingeber Posts: 124 Member
    Love it! Sounds like you have a great, supportive group of friends. Best of luck to you!