Menopause tips...



  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    edited September 2017
    I am 37 years old & I began going through premature menopause, during April; of 2016! My problem's that the inconsistency of my menstrual cycle, means that I'm unable to gauge my weight riddance; via a scale and/or tape measure with regularity but I am able to with knowing that adherence to my caloric goal & accurate logging, means that I am getting rid of; the weight! To lessen the frustration, I currently only weigh & measure myself monthly, just to see a # but until I'm postmenopausal, the only weights & measurements, that I know'll be consistently accurate's my caloric intake!

    So the inaccuracy of the #'s, doesn't mean; that it's a metabolism issue because blood like everything else, that's tangible; has weight & mass to it, as well & how little or much, of it you're producing; for your menstrual cycle & when your body, expels that blood'll determine; your weight & measurements also! For me this fluctuation, also includes extra water; since I become increasingly thirsty & fecal matter, since I cease expelling that waste; as frequently as well but luckily I don't suffer via constipation, so I just let nature run it's course; with that!

    Therefore my advice's this:

    {1.} Weigh & measure, yourself monthly (every 4 weeks/28 days, not the 1st; of each month etc. because the lengths of the months themselves, aren't always; the same)!

    {2.} While you're able to choose how much weight, you desire to get rid of you're unable to choose; where that weight decreases & thus only your starting weight matters for gauging weight riddance, whereas measurements're only to gauge what size; you currently're!

    {3.} Log everything, that has calories; including your cheat meals/days (if you've them) because since you're unable to rely upon the scale, to inform you; if your gains and/or losses, were just the result; of extra sodium/water retention and/or how much, they were!

    {4.} If you know that you've been as accurate, as realistically plausible; concerning your caloric intake & exercise, then regardless of what the scale actually reads; via your starting weight minus or add how much weight, that you should be; to your 1st month & then continue, with using your 1st month; for subtracting or adding, to your 2nd month etc.!

    We don't actually lose very much blood. We lose very very little, like in teaspoon measurements. Like 1ounce.

    We DO tend to retain 3-7 pounds of water just before our periods and hang on it until after. And many of us find we're ravenously hungry for a few days. (We also retain 3-7 pounds just before we ovulate).

    I also believe we should weigh as often as we'd like. I weigh daily. That helped me know what was real and what was menstrual (or a sushi dinner, or a long airplane flight)...

    Hope you have a smooth transition, and glad you found an approach that works for you.

    For me it seems as though that, I lost a lot more; than that! I believe that, with the exception; of laws & science, there're no rules; just opinions! So while I've figured what works for me, it might work for others also; therefore my advice was just an opinion! Thank you!

    Yup. That's why I congratulated you on the approach to weight loss that works for you! :)
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    edited September 2017
    I am 43, went through early menopause, starting three years ago, 6 months or so after I completed my first sprint triathlon. I am on herbal remedies now for the hot flushes and other symptoms. No HRT. I recently wrote this on my profile feed:

    "10 cals over, higher cal day. Gym today. Whoop! 2204 cals. For those curious (as my diary is closed) I eat between 1650 and 2500 cals per day. I weigh in at 79kg/174lbs at the moment. I take 5g creatine daily on a 4 week on, 2 off cycle. My macros are roughly 35% carbs, 35% fat and 30% protein. Yes, I still lose weight. I have been eating this way since June this year and took a two week diet break whilst on holiday in August. 22lbs down in 3 months. 7lbs per month, 1.75lbs per week. I cycle to and from work and other places (30 miles per week average) and do heavy lifting (powerlifting with barbell mostly) in the gym 3 times per week. On rest days, I also walk for an hour, it helps me wind down and gives me time to think. For the last 3 weeks I have been adding an accessory/assistance lift day because I have weak spots and it is in my programming for 6 weeks. I am still in deficit, but want my strength and lean mass to remain..."

    I am planning to start a strongman programme in around a month's time and then start a PHUL (hypertrophy) programme after that. I have always lifted heavy (on and off since I was 16). Everyone's goals are going to be different. Mine is to be stronger, fitter and leaner. I also want to try to build some more lean mass towards the end of this year so I can lift even heavier (whilst not in deficit).

    I do not avoid carbs, I eat fruit, bread, pasta, rice, icecream, biscuits and even sweets and chocolate as long as it fits my macros. I also do not avoid fat. Again, see my macros above. I have only just started to trial carb back loading. I eat loads of snacks and three main meals, my biggest meal being lunchtime, usually.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    edited September 2017
    I am 37 years old & I began going through premature menopause, during April; of 2016! My problem's that the inconsistency of my menstrual cycle, means that I'm unable to gauge my weight riddance; via a scale and/or tape measure with regularity but I am able to with knowing that adherence to my caloric goal & accurate logging, means that I am getting rid of; the weight! To lessen the frustration, I currently only weigh & measure myself monthly, just to see a # but until I'm postmenopausal, the only weights & measurements, that I know'll be consistently accurate's my caloric intake!

    So the inaccuracy of the #'s, doesn't mean; that it's a metabolism issue because blood like everything else, that's tangible; has weight & mass to it, as well & how little or much, of it you're producing; for your menstrual cycle & when your body, expels that blood'll determine; your weight & measurements also! For me this fluctuation, also includes extra water; since I become increasingly thirsty & fecal matter, since I cease expelling that waste; as frequently as well but luckily I don't suffer via constipation, so I just let nature run it's course; with that!

    Therefore my advice's this:

    {1.} Weigh & measure, yourself monthly (every 4 weeks/28 days, not the 1st; of each month etc. because the lengths of the months themselves, aren't always; the same)!

    {2.} While you're able to choose how much weight, you desire to get rid of you're unable to choose; where that weight decreases & thus only your starting weight matters for gauging weight riddance, whereas measurements're only to gauge what size; you currently're!

    {3.} Log everything, that has calories; including your cheat meals/days (if you've them) because since you're unable to rely upon the scale, to inform you; if your gains and/or losses, were just the result; of extra sodium/water retention and/or how much, they were!

    {4.} If you know that you've been as accurate, as realistically plausible; concerning your caloric intake & exercise, then regardless of what the scale actually reads; via your starting weight minus or add how much weight, that you should be; to your 1st month & then continue, with using your 1st month; for subtracting or adding, to your 2nd month etc.!

    We don't actually lose very much blood. We lose very very little, like in teaspoon measurements. Like 1ounce.

    We DO tend to retain 3-7 pounds of water just before our periods and hang on it until after. And many of us find we're ravenously hungry for a few days. (We also retain 3-7 pounds just before we ovulate).

    I also believe we should weigh as often as we'd like. I weigh daily. That helped me know what was real and what was menstrual (or a sushi dinner, or a long airplane flight)...

    Hope you have a smooth transition, and glad you found an approach that works for you.

    One ounce. Those were the days. I lost three pints last month. Thanks, fibroids. Come on, menopause, I'm 50, get on with it!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    edited September 2017
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    I am 37 years old & I began going through premature menopause, during April; of 2016! My problem's that the inconsistency of my menstrual cycle, means that I'm unable to gauge my weight riddance; via a scale and/or tape measure with regularity but I am able to with knowing that adherence to my caloric goal & accurate logging, means that I am getting rid of; the weight! To lessen the frustration, I currently only weigh & measure myself monthly, just to see a # but until I'm postmenopausal, the only weights & measurements, that I know'll be consistently accurate's my caloric intake!

    So the inaccuracy of the #'s, doesn't mean; that it's a metabolism issue because blood like everything else, that's tangible; has weight & mass to it, as well & how little or much, of it you're producing; for your menstrual cycle & when your body, expels that blood'll determine; your weight & measurements also! For me this fluctuation, also includes extra water; since I become increasingly thirsty & fecal matter, since I cease expelling that waste; as frequently as well but luckily I don't suffer via constipation, so I just let nature run it's course; with that!

    Therefore my advice's this:

    {1.} Weigh & measure, yourself monthly (every 4 weeks/28 days, not the 1st; of each month etc. because the lengths of the months themselves, aren't always; the same)!

    {2.} While you're able to choose how much weight, you desire to get rid of you're unable to choose; where that weight decreases & thus only your starting weight matters for gauging weight riddance, whereas measurements're only to gauge what size; you currently're!

    {3.} Log everything, that has calories; including your cheat meals/days (if you've them) because since you're unable to rely upon the scale, to inform you; if your gains and/or losses, were just the result; of extra sodium/water retention and/or how much, they were!

    {4.} If you know that you've been as accurate, as realistically plausible; concerning your caloric intake & exercise, then regardless of what the scale actually reads; via your starting weight minus or add how much weight, that you should be; to your 1st month & then continue, with using your 1st month; for subtracting or adding, to your 2nd month etc.!

    We don't actually lose very much blood. We lose very very little, like in teaspoon measurements. Like 1ounce.

    We DO tend to retain 3-7 pounds of water just before our periods and hang on it until after. And many of us find we're ravenously hungry for a few days. (We also retain 3-7 pounds just before we ovulate).

    I also believe we should weigh as often as we'd like. I weigh daily. That helped me know what was real and what was menstrual (or a sushi dinner, or a long airplane flight)...

    Hope you have a smooth transition, and glad you found an approach that works for you.

    One ounce. Those were the days. I lost three pints last month. Thanks, fibroids. Come on, menopause, I'm 50, get on with it!

    Oh fibroids SUCK!!! So sorry!!!!
  • CaloricCountess
    CaloricCountess Posts: 202 Member
    I am 37 years old & I began going through premature menopause, during April; of 2016! My problem's that the inconsistency of my menstrual cycle, means that I'm unable to gauge my weight riddance; via a scale and/or tape measure with regularity but I am able to with knowing that adherence to my caloric goal & accurate logging, means that I am getting rid of; the weight! To lessen the frustration, I currently only weigh & measure myself monthly, just to see a # but until I'm postmenopausal, the only weights & measurements, that I know'll be consistently accurate's my caloric intake!

    So the inaccuracy of the #'s, doesn't mean; that it's a metabolism issue because blood like everything else, that's tangible; has weight & mass to it, as well & how little or much, of it you're producing; for your menstrual cycle & when your body, expels that blood'll determine; your weight & measurements also! For me this fluctuation, also includes extra water; since I become increasingly thirsty & fecal matter, since I cease expelling that waste; as frequently as well but luckily I don't suffer via constipation, so I just let nature run it's course; with that!

    Therefore my advice's this:

    {1.} Weigh & measure, yourself monthly (every 4 weeks/28 days, not the 1st; of each month etc. because the lengths of the months themselves, aren't always; the same)!

    {2.} While you're able to choose how much weight, you desire to get rid of you're unable to choose; where that weight decreases & thus only your starting weight matters for gauging weight riddance, whereas measurements're only to gauge what size; you currently're!

    {3.} Log everything, that has calories; including your cheat meals/days (if you've them) because since you're unable to rely upon the scale, to inform you; if your gains and/or losses, were just the result; of extra sodium/water retention and/or how much, they were!

    {4.} If you know that you've been as accurate, as realistically plausible; concerning your caloric intake & exercise, then regardless of what the scale actually reads; via your starting weight minus or add how much weight, that you should be; to your 1st month & then continue, with using your 1st month; for subtracting or adding, to your 2nd month etc.!

    We don't actually lose very much blood. We lose very very little, like in teaspoon measurements. Like 1ounce.

    We DO tend to retain 3-7 pounds of water just before our periods and hang on it until after. And many of us find we're ravenously hungry for a few days. (We also retain 3-7 pounds just before we ovulate).

    I also believe we should weigh as often as we'd like. I weigh daily. That helped me know what was real and what was menstrual (or a sushi dinner, or a long airplane flight)...

    Hope you have a smooth transition, and glad you found an approach that works for you.

    For me it seems as though that, I lost a lot more; than that! I believe that, with the exception; of laws & science, there're no rules; just opinions! So while I've figured what works for me, it might work for others also; therefore my advice was just an opinion! Thank you!

    Yup. That's why I congratulated you on the approach to weight loss that works for you! :)

    Thank you, again! :)
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    The only real side effect that I've had is the hot flashes, which suck lol. My doctor put me on estrogen and about a month later I had a period. I had not had one in several years due to non menapause issues. When I had a period, I was like "oh hell no lol". My doctor tried to talk me into just taking half a pill, but I quit them. I'd rather have hot flashes than a period again.
    CMNVA Posts: 733 Member
    I think *normal* people only lose an ounce. Gosh that would have been so liberating if that had been me. I spent the years of ages 34-50 with very heavy bleeding and large clots (I know, TMI). Those clots themselves were well over an ounce. Granted, this is considered abnormal bleeding but just about every female friend of mind has these issues.
  • tammienichols316
    tammienichols316 Posts: 18 Member
    mamadon wrote: »
    The only real side effect that I've had is the hot flashes, which suck lol. My doctor put me on estrogen and about a month later I had a period. I had not had one in several years due to non menapause issues. When I had a period, I was like "oh hell no lol". My doctor tried to talk me into just taking half a pill, but I quit them. I'd rather have hot flashes than a period again. dr says you have to have progesterone if you take estrogen, or as you experienced you will have a period and no we don't want
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    mamadon wrote: »
    The only real side effect that I've had is the hot flashes, which suck lol. My doctor put me on estrogen and about a month later I had a period. I had not had one in several years due to non menapause issues. When I had a period, I was like "oh hell no lol". My doctor tried to talk me into just taking half a pill, but I quit them. I'd rather have hot flashes than a period again. dr says you have to have progesterone if you take estrogen, or as you experienced you will have a period and no we don't want
    mamadon wrote: »
    The only real side effect that I've had is the hot flashes, which suck lol. My doctor put me on estrogen and about a month later I had a period. I had not had one in several years due to non menapause issues. When I had a period, I was like "oh hell no lol". My doctor tried to talk me into just taking half a pill, but I quit them. I'd rather have hot flashes than a period again. dr says you have to have progesterone if you take estrogen, or as you experienced you will have a period and no we don't want
    mamadon wrote: »
    The only real side effect that I've had is the hot flashes, which suck lol. My doctor put me on estrogen and about a month later I had a period. I had not had one in several years due to non menapause issues. When I had a period, I was like "oh hell no lol". My doctor tried to talk me into just taking half a pill, but I quit them. I'd rather have hot flashes than a period again. dr says you have to have progesterone if you take estrogen, or as you experienced you will have a period and no we don't want
    mamadon wrote: »
    The only real side effect that I've had is the hot flashes, which suck lol. My doctor put me on estrogen and about a month later I had a period. I had not had one in several years due to non menapause issues. When I had a period, I was like "oh hell no lol". My doctor tried to talk me into just taking half a pill, but I quit them. I'd rather have hot flashes than a period again. dr says you have to have progesterone if you take estrogen, or as you experienced you will have a period and no we don't want
    That's really interesting. It's my pregesterone levels that are already super Highbthough so they would probably never prescribe anything for that. I have a benign tumor on my pituitary gland which causes very high pregestorone levels, thus no periods. That's why it was such a surprise to have them on the estrogen.