Ice cream pre workout

So I know it's not conventionally idea to have ice cream as a pre workout but I've noticed that when I consume an ice cream cone (181 calories) around 3pm, I have a crap tonne of energy and increased productivity and motivation to workout hard, for 2-3 hours afterwards. I don't get this rush from any other food, having tried a variety of healthy alternatives.

This won't be counterproductive to my fitness goals, will it? Lose fat, retain muscle. On a caloric deficit but the aim is so full my day with healthy, nutrient dence foods. This is the only 'junk' i have. I do have a protein shake post workout


  • kami3006
    kami3006 Posts: 4,978 Member
    Nothing wrong with it at all. I've done the same for years. Lost, maintained and bulked doing the same.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Nope.. it's fine. I have candy before and during my lifting sessions. It gives me energy and if anything it has had positive effects on my progress.