Guys i'm scared :((

I just needed a friendly ear..I'm really scared...I was doing my lunges the other day and afterwards i had pains in my knee, I put it down to me getting back into the swing of things..I haven't worked out in years.

It's now 2 days later and i have throbbing pains in my lower legs, like a heartbeat. When i was doing my cardio this morning i had to work at a lower intensity cause it was annoying me...The pain has subsided now but I'm scared here.

I should never have played doctor on the Internet cause it's just made me more paranoid, blood clot, Varicose veins, DVT, MS etc.

I am going to see the doctor about it but I'm really hoping it's just from me getting back into an active lifestyle after a sedentary one. :((

Has anyone experienced this at all at some point??


  • daniellemm1
    daniellemm1 Posts: 465 Member
    I experienced a sharp pain a month into starting the C25K program and that freaked me out. I decided to rest for a week and let it heal. As the days went on I felt better and when I was in motion it felt fine but when I sat for a while and got up it was sort of painful. This is still the case. I figure I am able to run so it can't be too serious. The next time I have to go to the doctor I will bring it up since it is not hindering my activity at all. I hope yours turns out to be just a minor something that will heal quickly :)
  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    Go see the doc.
  • mspoopoo
    mspoopoo Posts: 500 Member
    I 2nd go see the doctor.

    When you are overweight you should get a health check up before starting an exercise program.

    Also ease into the exercise so you don't injure yourself.

    Go to a couple personal training sessions so someone can show you correct form when lifting.

    You can easily blow out your knees and back doing lunges and squats incorrectly.