9/11. Where were you when it happened?



  • DananaNanas
    DananaNanas Posts: 665 Member
    I was in Mrs. Bravard's 4th period 8th grade science class when we found out. She turned on the TV after hearing from another teacher down the hall and we just kind of stared at it as she was saying "why would they do this? Unless this is a planned demolition...? But it doesn't look like it..?"

    Very sad :(
  • KyleGrace8
    KyleGrace8 Posts: 2,205 Member
    I was in the 7th grade, History. My teacher got a phone call and immediately turned on the news. We all watched the towers fall and most people got emotional. I remember being pretty scared of war and getting bombed in my sleep for a while after.
  • Jonesuna64
    Jonesuna64 Posts: 233 Member
    I was in the Air Force and flying back from 5 months in Saudi Arabia. I landed in Norfolk when the first plane hit
  • elcapitanp
    elcapitanp Posts: 6 Member
    I was working in a bank, also in Northern Virginia (although I had formerly worked for Circuit City, coincidentally.) I remember helping customers with tears streaming down my face. Yes, I am a guy. That night I sat in a rocking chair and watched the news, felt like I had the flu.
  • _pi3_
    _pi3_ Posts: 2,311 Member
    3rd grade PE class. I hated PE and I hated school so getting picked up early was a happy surprise. The rest of the day was terrible to watch.
  • runningforthetrain
    runningforthetrain Posts: 1,037 Member
    My husband and I were in an airplane flying back from Indiana to California. Mid flight, a passenger said that an airplane flew into the WTC-- I thought it was a small little 2 seater or something. We did not know what had happened. It wasn't scary-- The pilot then announced that we would be landing in Denver. And then he indicated all domestic planes were to land. We knew that meant something major- but, still did not know what. When we landed and deplaned we saw what was happening on all the televisions. The airport was already deserted; everyone fleeing out. Taxi's were bustling; somehow we got one and went to a hotel. For three days we went to the airport to fly home. Each day we were assured tomorrow we would be on the next flight. Never happened. People were renting U-hauls because all the car rentals were gone. We eventually got a rental car and drove home over 2 days. The evening of Sep 11 we went to dinner at a TGIF-like place. Some teenager was having their (probably a long awaited) sweet 16 party. It was strange and obviously ruined. God bless the firemen and police who lost their lives that day.
  • JimmyTooStrong
    JimmyTooStrong Posts: 69 Member
    I was 18 and a freshman in college. I woke up late for a psych class and I remember running across campus to get there in time. I noticed a random couple crying but didn't think anything of it. I got to the lecture hall and it was half empty. The girl sitting next to me said some planes accidentally crashed into a building in NY. The instructor finally showed up and said class was cancelled. I went back to my dorm and watched the horror unfold the rest of the day.
  • relynne
    relynne Posts: 387 Member
    I was at home getting ready for work. I lived with my brand new fiance at the time (we got engaged on 9/8). His grandmother called us and told us to turn on the tv. I just kind of stood there in disbelief watching. I worked at a hospital at the time, so I still had to go to work. I felt like I was moving in slow motion all day, it just felt so surreal. I still can't grasp the magnitude of what happened that day.
  • Will_Run_for_Food
    Will_Run_for_Food Posts: 561 Member
    edited September 2017
    I was in the principal's office in grade 10 - it was picture day but my name wasn't on any of the lists. One of the teachers came in the office saying the White House was on fire.
  • dutchandkiwi
    dutchandkiwi Posts: 1,389 Member
    It was 6 am in NZ and I woke up to my radio alarm which of course always started with the news This was just after the first tower was hit. I went over to my then BF bedroom (due to scheduling we slept seperatly that night) and wok him up. He was most disgruntled and angry about me waking him up so early until I told him what had happened. He immediately switched on the TV. We saw the second one hit the tower right then.
    We called our American friends and had to cut to the chase my FF was all cheery and thought I 'd called her to arrange lunch When she heard she was off the phone, scared as anything of course. She then tried to call her family. Took her ages to locate all of them. Our MF was groggy and took a little while to wake him up to the idea that something major had happen Most of his family and friends were on ether west coast but his ex fiancee worked in one of the towers (she was late for work hence ok).

    I went to work. In the office the TV was on and we did not get anything done that day. But I'll never remember that 6 am newsflash and my FF cheery voice turning into panic mode
  • michael1976_ca
    michael1976_ca Posts: 3,488 Member
    I was at home I skipped college and just stayed there glued to the tv
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    Rural kansas at home with my baby. Was very surreal to see the horrible news and then go outside to beautiful blue skies, green fields and quiet. Hard to believe something so terrible was happening in another place.
  • JLAJ81
    JLAJ81 Posts: 2,477 Member
    I was 18 years old laying in my bed with my future wife craving donuts. We were watching Deep Impact. We paused the movie and switched it to cable so we could go get some donuts. We thought we accidentally left the movie on because it was on a news report showing the first plane hitting.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I was at home getting ready to go to class...I had a calculus test that day. Made it to class and the professor canceled the exam so we could all discuss what was happening. They finally ended up canceling all classes at around 11:30 that day. Went home and glued myself to the t.v.
  • caco_ethes
    caco_ethes Posts: 11,962 Member
    I was 19, woke up in my dorm room to the news and immediately thought 'geesh, drunk pilot'. Wasn't until I was walking to class later and I saw the commons packed with people watching the news that I learned what had happened.

    I'll never forget that sense of unity just standing there with all those strangers but all of us feeling and thinking the same thing.
  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member
    Like ILOVEJAZZERCISE, I was 18 and it was the first day (or days... I can't remember those days too well) of classes for us at college. I was in Southern California and, once we figured out what was going on, there were a lot of us who figured L.A. would be targeted as a cultural target (Hollywood, among other things).
  • Burandt80
    Burandt80 Posts: 37 Member
    I was in the Air Force stationed in Okinawa Japan when we go the tragic news.
  • mlh6468
    mlh6468 Posts: 47 Member
    edited September 2017
    I was in the break room at work. A guy ran in and told us a plane had attacked the WTC. We ran back to our cubicles/offices. We were trying to get online but, for the only time I've seen it happen, it was impossible to get on cnn.com or major news sites due to the immense traffic. The attempt would time out. I then figured out our local newspaper's site would be less crowded and we all went to that site to watch.