Runner, yogi, 90% committed pescatarian, mid-20's lady needs some support!

Ha, sounds like a dating ad....

But for real! I would love to find some friends on here for support. I try and come on here at least once a day to see how my feed is going (not many right now), so I'd love to see everyone's progress :) I'm personally en route to lose ~20 pounds which I gained from my binge eating disorder and partying habits. Feel free to tell me why you're here or simply add me!


  • buellkyleej
    buellkyleej Posts: 26 Member
    I do alot of elliptical. I am a mom of two I lost the weight 2 times... After being diagnosed with fibro I gained so much weight in 3 months... so now its time to lose the weight again (clean eatting, exercise, and making it a lifestyle... i also dropped all meds). My goal is to lose 50lbs. Feel free to add me.
  • weightxlossjourney
    weightxlossjourney Posts: 46 Member
    Don't know if you're still active but I too am a yogi and pescatarian! let me know so we can connect on some ideas and support (:
  • Ythomas10
    Ythomas10 Posts: 5 Member
    I just started my Pescatarian journey and would love to connect! I’m in a running club and I workout on my own.