A fresh start with a long way to go

Hello all, I have been using MFP for about a week or so now and think it will be a great tool to help keep myself accountable and hopefully make some friends along the way. I have a pretty large amount of weight to lose so I am in this for the long haul.
The last month or two have been pretty rough so I am hoping getting back into some healthier habits will help. I have lived with depression for about three years and recently stopped taking my medication when I found out I was pregnant with our third child. But, I found out in early August the baby had no heartbeat and have been dealing with a miscarriage since then. Add that to no longer taking depression medication and it's been tough. I don't know that my weight had anything to do with it but I am sure it plays a pretty big role in my mental health and maybe with the miscarriage.
So, here I am starting over again. I have been heavy my entire life and one thing is different now is that I have two amazing daughters watching me. My oldest daughter is 5 and on the heavier side. She recently asked me why, when she doesn't eat that much she still has a big belly. It broke my heart that at her age she already has to worry about things like that but I know kids can be cruel and I want to protect her from that as much as possible. I can't help her if I don't change anything for myself.
For right now, I am trying to be more active. Not workouts per say, but taking more walks, fitting things in as I can because we all know how hard it can be for moms to find the time for ourselves. I am trying, sometimes successfully and many times not, to stay within my calories recommendations. I struggle to find the time to plan ahead for meals so eating quickly makes it hard to stay within range. I know I need to buckle down and find more time for food prep, baking chicken, dicing veggies, boiling eggs, etc.
I feel like there are a lot of things in my life I have put off doing for when I have lost the weight and I am tired of waiting. We've been thinking about trying for another baby, I have been comtemplating a big career change. I turned 35 last month and that's been a bit of an eye opener for me. If not now, when?
Anyway, thanks for listening and I hope to get to know a some of you along this journey.


  • shira324
    shira324 Posts: 156 Member
    Welcome. Taking the first steps can be the hardest. This is a great place to find motivation and support. Add friends, read the forums (with a grain of salt of course) and look at the inspiring transformation pics.

    I'm also a 35-yr-old mother, with two young daughters. I've been overweight since I was 10 or 11 years old, and have tried off and on to lose the weight over the last ten years. I know I'm done having babies now, and this past spring I decided that this is it. I'm finally ready to make the changes and live a healthier lifestyle. Better food choices, more movement, and setting a good example for my girls. MFP is an enormous help, and I'm already down 27 pounds.

    I wish the best for you, I hope you stick with it and keep motivated. It's ok to have doubts, and it's ok to have bad days or even weeks. As long as you pick yourself up and keep going. Keep trying. We can do this together.

    Calories in and calories out, that's all it is. It may not be perfect, but it WORKS because it's good enough.

  • chantellenicholson6648
    Good luck to you, I am also new. 55 pounds to loose. Stay sting and believe in yourself.